I. Introduction
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) to a touchscreen can cause hard and soft failures of the device. IEC 61000-4-2 [1] defines air discharge as the main concern for ESD events to insulators. In an air discharge, the air breaks down before the ESD gun tip reaches the glass surface. This discharge is not visible to the human and is more of a corona type discharge rather than a spark or arc discharge. A corona streamer propagates from the gun to the glass and then multiple streamers propagate across the glass surface due to a high tangential electric-field strength caused by space charging [2]. The corona streamer generated by a corona discharge propagates until the tangential electric-field at the end of the streamer drops below a threshold. An example corona discharge to glass, visualized using the Lichtenberg dust figure method is shown in Fig. 1, where one can see how individual streamers radiate outward from a central discharge location. The characteristics of a corona discharge to glass is dependent on the discharge voltage and polarity, the clean or dirty condition of the glass, glass thickness, and glass type [3], [4], [5]. Modeling of corona streamer propagation without prior experimental results is important but hard to achieve, as there are many unknown factors, or factors known but hard to strictly control, such as temperature, humidity and air molecule distribution around the discharge location.