I. Introduction
Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) datasets are helpful in many geospatial research applications. We have been developing feature extraction, bundle adjustment, 3D reconstruction, shadow detection, orthorectification, georegistration, and object tracking algorithms using WAMI datasets provided by Transparent Sky [1]. Transparent Sky data collections include a number of cities, such as Albuquerque, Berkeley, Columbia, Ferguson, Los Angeles, St. Louis, San Francisco, Syracuse, and more. The images are captured by a crewed aircraft flying in a circular track above the city at around 2 kilometers of altitude. It is a costly and challenging process to collect all this data. The images cover large city-scale environments, so producing manual ground truth for machine learning applications is not feasible, and automatically generated ground truths may not be precise enough. Also, the variations in weather conditions can be captured in the images are limited. Therefore, using Unreal Engine [2], we started simulating cityscale aerial data collections in a synthetic environment.