I. Introduction
In the course of human history, there existed very few events that had such potential to shape the nations and their citizens across the globe in a negative way. One of those has been the rapid spread of infectious diseases which turned out into a pandemic [1]. Recently, the world has witnessed the first, second, and third waves of the Covid-19 pandemic which has shattered the lives of millions of people across the world. Cases of a novel coronavirus, also known as Covid- 19, were first observed in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and led to affecting the entire world economically, socially, personally, mentally as well as physically. The Covid-19 pandemic spread so broadly and seized lives at such a startling rate that the World Health Organization (WHO) had to declare it a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 [2]. All over the globe, this resulted in the closure of corporations, higher educational institutions, and organizations which urged the demand for more technological innovations across all sectors. As of today, there have been 685,330,069 coronavirus cases recorded worldwide, resulting in 6,840,367 deaths and 658,097,434 recoveries [3].