I. Introduction
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the use of connected machines, devices and sensors in industrial applications. As IIoT continues to grow, the need for digital technology as well as artificial intelligence rises. In this context, Industry 5.0 emerges to promote a cooperative rather than a competitive relationship between humans and artificial intelligence [2]. Especially, the resource allocation of IIoT towards Industry 5.0 is indispensable and plays a vital role, to improve the spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency, capacity, robustness and security through beamforming [3], power control [4], channel assignment [5] and so on. Unfortunately, most resource allocation problems like maximizing weighted sum rate (WSR) and energy efficiency (EE) are non-convex, proved to be Non-deterministic Polynomial (NP) hard for achieving optimal or suboptimal solutions. Thus, it would bring out high costs on computation and time by using traditional optimization algorithms. Especially, considering the decreasing delay requirements for machine to machine (industrial M2M) communications within IIoT, the computation efficiency of the resource optimization problems need to be intensively considered in a real-time manner [6]. In addition, in IIoT environment, the exchange of information is always present and inevitable. In order to ensure the accuracy and real-time information transmission in the communication process, we must meet the reliability, security, effectiveness and intelligence requirements of IIoT, and only when the four indicators are met, the information transmission process can be guaranteed to a certain extent [7], [8], [9]. However, the existing communication technology is difficult to meet these indicators requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to apply advanced B5G and 6G technologies, such as cell free, millimeter wave, RIS and NOMA, to improve the system performances of IIoT towards Industry 5.0 [10], [11].