II. Introduction
The quality of input images mostly depends on the hardware technology. Recently, we have been witnessing rapid advances in the availability of high-resolution aerial imagery due to improvements in data acquisition hardware and the abundant availability of low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This has increased the demands for reliable, robust and scalable SfM methods which can thoroughly exploit the available information in the high-resolution imagery. However, its not feasible to collect Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI) datasets [2], [3]. readily. Google Earth Studio(GES) may alleviate challenges considering the ease of rendering on multiple location by specifying the location and camera parameters. We render WAMI like dataset in GES where we also have real WAMI dataset In this paper, we evaluate GES dataset to MU Synthetic in terms of SfM and MVS performance, rendered in Google Earth Studios on similar cities as WAMI. Using GES to render city scale images but enables us to test the computer applications on various challenges scenes.