Noor Azean Atan - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This study was conducted with two objectives: (a) to develop 3D geometry teaching strategies through SketchUp Make (SPPD-SUM), and (b) to study the effect of SPPD-SUM on visual-spatial skills (VSS). It was conducted in two stages. Stage I involved designing SPPD-SUM, whereas Stage II involved studying of the effect of SPPD-SUM on VSS. The activities in Stage I were based on a five-phase cycle in t...Show More
Science Process Skills (KPS) is the basis of knowledge and skills that should be mastered by a Science teacher. Therefore, the study was conducted to find out whether the conventional Science learning activities, Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) and Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) would influence teachers' understanding and comprehension of Science Process Skills. The study...Show More
Developing self-directed learning skills among Malaysian university students has become one of the primary aims of adult education. However, we cannot assume that university students have already learned self-regulation, time management and project management upon entering campus. Neither have they learnt to be a self-directed learner by themselves. It is the teacher or instructor that must develo...Show More
Across the nation students' enrolment and achievement in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are on the decline. BLOSSOMS project has been introduced as an initiative on addressing the issue, where teachers are trained to design and develop a BLOSSOMS' educational interactive video of STEM lessons with the integration of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) approach. The...Show More
This paper presents a feasibility study of installing the photovoltaic street lighting at 15 sites in the Univeristi Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru campus. A comparative economic analysis on the actual electricity bill for UTM with and without photovoltaic (PV) street lighting was performed. The finding shows that there is approximately 1% reduction in the electricity bill with the pay back...Show More