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I. Slaus - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Accelerators are facilities where fundamental research and applications develop jointly. The following are examples of an interplay between fundamental research and applications: 1. Evidence for the three body force (3BF) derived from neutron-neutron (n-n) scattering length data and nuclear data for science and technology. 2. Absence of nucleoside repair effects for neutron irradiation and the dev...Show More
The alpha induced deuteron breakup reactions have been of interest since the nucleon induced deuteron breakup problem was addressed with tractable and predictive models based on the Faddeev formalism and with appropriate nucleon-nucleon forces. In this paper we discuss a few special features of the alpha induced deuteron breakup reactions. Specifically, we point out the importance of the n-p tenso...Show More
Status of the present understanding of multiparticle reaction mechanism is summarized. Lesson derived from the studies of the reaction D(p,2p)n is that mechanism can be very imoortant even if not easily noticeable in a particular representation. E.g. even a deep minimum is understood as a destructive interference between neutron-proton and proton-proton quasifree scattering. Information about nucl...Show More
Surface barrier detectors can measure the characteristics of neutron fields and related light-ion fluxes (LIF). Some of us have shown that a photodiode, with a suitably chosen radiator, can measure fluences of monoenergetic neutrons and have studied the shapes of a few continuous neutron spectra. Others have used silicon detectors to measure the energy of neutrons from reactions. We have attempted...Show More
On-line measurement of the degradation of a small set of commercial LED devices bombarded with a 15 MeV median energy neutron beam has been obtained. During irradiation the light output of an LED was recorded via a fiber optic link to an external area free of radiation where a photodiode detector viewed the fiber optic signal. All data were recorded on DVMs, on chart recorders and on magnetic tape...Show More