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P. A. Treado - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-4 of 4 results


MERCURY arc rectifiers have current and voltage wave shapes which are inherent in the normal operation of the apparatus. It is the object of this paper to discuss the wave shape on both the a-c and d-c side of rectifiers and to show how to estimate the wave shapes of the voltage and the current on either side under operating conditions when the circuit constants are known.Show More
This paper gives data on the voltage and current wave shape of mercury arc rectifiers on both the d-c and a-c side. The values of the harmonics at light load are considered first and the modifications of the harmonics under load due to impedance then are studied. The results of tests on rectifiers are given and are in reasonable agreement with the theoretical values which, for convenience in use, ...Show More
The three factors most important in mercury arc rectifiers are vapor pressure, arc-drop, and geometry of the anode housing. Investigations of such factors described in this article, have increased the capacity of rectifiers considerably and made it possible to eliminate several undesirable features of their operation.Show More