Author details

Ingmar Posner
Oxford Robotics Institute
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
Ingmar Posner received the M.Eng. degree in electronic systems engineering from Aston University, Birmingham, U.K., in 2001, and the D.Phil. degree in bioacoustics from the University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K., in 2005.,He is a Professor of engineering science with Oxford University, Oxford, where he leads Applied Artificial Intelligence Lab. His research aims to enable machines to robustly act and interact in the real world—for, with, and alongside humans. His track record in machine perception and decision making includes seminal work on large-scale learning from demonstration, representation learning for scene understanding and prediction as well as 3-D object detection and machine introspection. His current research interests revolve arou... Author's Published Works