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Fabrice Comblet - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 39 results


Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) automotive radar using stretch-processing usually relies on a fast-chirp signal model which assumes range and Doppler decoupling between fast and slow-time dimensions. To achieve high range and speed resolutions, a large bandwidth and a long coherent processing interval are used. However, if multiple range resolution cells are crossed during the integrati...Show More
In this article, we propose to apply 3-D printing technology to the design and realization of honeycomb microwave absorbers. First, printability of simple honeycomb structures, made of a lossy dielectric material, was evaluated and validated by measurement in the 2-18 GHz frequency band. Effective dielectric properties of honeycomb structures with different dimensions are also discussed. Then, the...Show More
GNSS brings more signals and more satellites to improve positioning services. This paper introduces data fusion from multiple Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations. In fact, some failures in satellite's signals negatively impact the quality of positioning. For this purpose, this paper presents the robust Extended Kalman Filter (robust-EKF) to eliminate the outliers and de-noisin...Show More
Interception of radar signals is analyzed. The waveforms of interest are the Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM), the Phase-Coded (PC) and multicarrier (MC) waveforms. The problematic is to perform detection with real-time requirement and the possibility to integrate on the longest pulse width (LFM). The well-known ambiguity function is proposed as quadratic time-frequency detector which is able to ...Show More
This paper presents data fusion from multiple Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations. GNSS brings more signals and more satellites to improve the accuracy of user's position. However, multiple failures in satellite's signals sometimes negatively impact the determination of the user's position and should be considered. For this purpose, the present paper provides robust Extended K...Show More
The paper deals with detection problematic with Electronic Warfare (EW) emphasis. In a radar context, the knowledge of the signal characteristics allows the use of matched filter to improve Signal to Noise Ratio and detect target. In an EW context, a receiver should detect an unknown radar signal and estimate its parameters. For pulse duration inferior or equal to several microseconds, architectur...Show More
Track-before-detect (TBD) algorithms make use of unthresholded measurements to perform target detection and tracking in scenarios where conventional approaches fail, as it is the case for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions. In this paper, the track-before-detect algorithm using particle filters is applied for target detection and tracking and its performance using real-world radar data is ...Show More
To improve the accuracy of receiver's positios, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) brings more signals and more satellites. This paper presents data fusion from multiple satellite constellations. Indeed, multiple satellite failures impact the determination of the user position and should be considered. For this purpose, the present paper provides a robust estimation to detect and exclude mu...Show More
Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is widely used in the dynamic systems under the assumption that the process and measurement noises are Gaussian distributed. It is well known that the covariance matrixes of process noise and measurement noise have a significant impact on the EKF's performance. To evaluate its impact on the estimation of user position, this paper proposes two models. The first model de...Show More
Basic positioning methods in GNSS receivers are based on code and carrier phase measurements. In this paper, the carrier phase measurements are considered. They are highly accurate, but limited with integer ambiguity, which is very important. This paper proposes an algorithm to resolve this problem. In addition, it shows the main factors that affect the accuracy of user position. To reduce the use...Show More
Surface wind speed estimation from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data is principally based on empirical (EP) approaches, e.g., CMOD functions. However, it is necessary and significant to compare radar backscattering modeling based on EP and electromagnetic (EM) approaches for enhancing the understanding of the physical processes between radar signal and sea surface, which is important for the des...Show More
Based on an empirical model without wind direction input for the retrieval of C-band HH-polarization wind speed, we propose a modified model for wind speed estimation in VV-polarization. The obtained wind speed is then applied for the CMOD5.N to estimate wind directions. The comparisons with the scatterometry-based approach demonstrate that the estimated wind speed by the proposed model is closer ...Show More
Despite based on different approaches and objectives, it is reasonable to compare near-surface wind speed estimated by the empirical (EP) and electromagnetic (EP) geophysical model function (GMF), since both of them describe the relation between radar scattering and wind vector (directly for EP GMF and via surface roughness spectrum for EM GMF). In general, the EP and EM models give quite similar ...Show More
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is one of the favorite sources for sea near-surface wind speed retrieval. For this problem, wind speed is principally estimated based on the empirical (EP) models, namely CMOD functions, which are constructed by the observations from spaceborne microwave scatterometers (ERS-1/2). Little studies have mentioned the use of electromagnetic (EM) models for wind speed esti...Show More
In spite of the difference in description, it is reasonable to compare sea surface wind speed estimates based on empirical (EP) and electromagnetic (EM) approaches, since both of them describe the relation between radar backscattering and wind parameters, directly for EP models and via sea surface roughness spectrum for EM models. For EP approach, two methods are presented for wind speed estimatio...Show More
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is one of the favorite tools for earth observation applications, i.e., oceanography, land use mapping, climate change since this device can offer the data at a high spatial resolution and in most meteorological conditions. This is more significant when the data acquired by the Sentinel-1, a new C-band satellite, are exploited. For high-resolution wind field extractio...Show More
A comparison of Radar Cross Section (RCS) measurement results between several French measurement indoor facilities has been organized in the framework of a French Working Group (Groupe de Travail sur les incertitudes en chambre anéchoïque: GTi), dealing with measurement uncertainties in anechoic chamber. The GTi involves 22 laboratories that are either industrial or academic research ones, or labo...Show More
In addition to image processing and neural network, inverting the Geophysical Model Functions (GMFs) is one of the most widely used ways to retrieve oceanic parameters, i.e. surface wind speed, temperature, salinity, etc., from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. More exact the description of the GMFs is, more accurately the results are obtained. For this problem, one can find two principal appro...Show More
Wind direction is a crucial parameter in many inversion models to estimate wind speed from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Compared to the other available wind sources, i.e. measured data, numeric weather data, etc., the retrieval of wind directions from SAR data is more widely used, since it can give wind directions at different scales. Nevertheless, there are not a lot of studies which repo...Show More
Retrieval of sea surface wind speed from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is one of the most widely used methods, since it can give higher resolutions than the other available surface wind sources. For this approach, two principal methods can be found: one is based on electromagnetic (EM) models and the other is based on empirical (EP) ones. In both indicated ways, the Geophysical Model Functio...Show More
Among the different available wind sources, i.e. in situ measurements, numeric weather models, the retrieval of wind speed from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is one of the most widely used methods, since it can give high wind resolution cell. For this purpose, one can find two principal methods: via electromagnetic (EM) models and empirical (EP) ones. In both approaches, the Geophysical Mode...Show More
Retrieval of sea wind vector from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is one of the most widely used methods, since it can give high wind resolution cell. For this approach, wind direction is normally the first retrieved parameter, since it plays a crucial role in many inversion models (CMOD, XMOD) to estimate wind speed. In spite of the huge studies of wind field retrieval, little has been report...Show More
Sea surface wind speed plays a key parameter in the studies of many oceanic applications, i.e. meteorological forecasting, oil slick observation, ship detection, and wind turbine installation recently. It can be obtained from many available wind sources, i.e. measured data, numeric weather models, etc. However, one of the most well-known ways is the retrieval of wind speed from Synthetic Aperture ...Show More
Sea surface wind plays an important role for many applications such as meteorological forecasting, oil slick observation and ship detection. From the Sentinel-1 SAR images, we propose in this paper the methods which permit to retrieve rapidly wind fields. Wind directions can be directly extracted from the SAR images by the Local Gradient method with high resolution. Wind speed is estimated by the ...Show More
The aim of this paper is to study the influence of the pollutants (oil spills) on the electromagnetic signature of sea surface observed in bistatic configuration. Therefore, we will start the numerical analyses of the pollutants influence on the sea surface roughness. Then, we will evaluate the electromagnetic scattering coefficients of the contaminated sea surface (sea surface covered by oil laye...Show More