GNSS brings more signals and more satellites to improve positioning services. This paper introduces data fusion from multiple Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations. In fact, some failures in satellite's signals negatively impact the quality of positioning. For this purpose, this paper presents the robust Extended Kalman Filter (robust-EKF) to eliminate the outliers and de-noisin...Show More
To improve the accuracy of receiver's positios, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) brings more signals and more satellites. This paper presents data fusion from multiple satellite constellations. Indeed, multiple satellite failures impact the determination of the user position and should be considered. For this purpose, the present paper provides a robust estimation to detect and exclude mu...Show More
Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is widely used in the dynamic systems under the assumption that the process and measurement noises are Gaussian distributed. It is well known that the covariance matrixes of process noise and measurement noise have a significant impact on the EKF's performance. To evaluate its impact on the estimation of user position, this paper proposes two models. The first model de...Show More
Basic positioning methods in GNSS receivers are based on code and carrier phase measurements. In this paper, the carrier phase measurements are considered. They are highly accurate, but limited with integer ambiguity, which is very important. This paper proposes an algorithm to resolve this problem. In addition, it shows the main factors that affect the accuracy of user position. To reduce the use...Show More