E. A. Chandler - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Summary form only given, as follows. Three experimental campaigns designed for fielding on the Atlas Pulsed Power Facility are discussed. The foci of these experiments are directed toward a better understanding of three material science issues; (1) strength at high strain and high strain rate, (2) friction at material interfaces moving at high relative velocities, and (3) material failure in conve...Show More
Three material properties experiments that are to be performed on the Atlas pulsed power facility are described; friction at sliding metal interfaces, spallation and damage in convergent geometry, and plastic flow at high strain and high strain rate. Construction of this facility has been completed and experiments in high energy density hydrodynamics and material dynamics will begin in 2001.Show More
Efforts have been undertaken to determine the one-dimensional density profile of liner-driven cylindrical targets from analysis of the transverse radiographs of liner-driven implosion experiments at Pegasus II. The technique reported here uses forward modeling to determine the density of the different materials in a cylindrically symmetric target after liner impact. The material density was determ...Show More
We have done implosion experiments with cylindrical liners at currents ranging from 3 to 25 million amperes (MA). The low current (3-6 MA) experiments are done at the Pegasus capacitor bank facility and the high current (/spl sim/25 MA) ones are done with an explosive flux compression generator (Ranchero) in Ancho canyon at Los Alamos. Visible light and X-ray images provide details of the implosio...Show More
Summary form only given. We have used the LANL PEGASUS Z-pinch facility to drive a thin cylindrically-convergent Al liner to /spl sim/3 km/s to launch /spl sim/30 GPa shocks in a 3-mm thick 10-mm-i.d. aluminum cylinder whose interior is filled with 1 atm Xe gas. The subsequent material motion of the metal and gas is diagnosed with both radial and axial flash X-rays and with optical framing cameras...Show More