The Gentzen system for the propositional logic is a deduction system which is logically equivalent to the corresponding axiomatic system. In the Gentzen system, the validity and provability of a sequence Γ ⇒ Δ are considered. The validity(⊨) corresponds to the provability(⊢). In this paper, we propose the variant Gentzen system which is a dual-system of the Gentzen system. A co-sequence Γ|Δ is int...Show More
The known mathematical model for clustering problems is given in this paper. With the K-Means algorithm, the simulated annealing algorithm and a novel hybrid ant colony algorithm is integrated with the K-means algorithm to solve clustering problems. The advantages and shortages of K-Means algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm and the hybrid ant colony algorithm are then analyzed, so that effect...Show More
An Immune Genetic Algorithm (IGA) is used to solve weapon-target assignment problem (WTA). The used immune system serves as a local search mechanism for genetic algorithm. Besides, in our implementation, a new crossover operator is proposed to preserve good information contained in the chromosome. A comparison of the proposed algorithm with several existing search approaches shows that the IGA out...Show More
In this paper, we describe our so-called LOBA logic (a logic of believable agents). LOBA has expanded the work of KARO (van der Hoek et al., 1998 and 2000; van Linder et al., 1996 and 1995; and Meyer, 2004) and LORA logic (Woolridge, 2000 and 2002; Binh Vu Tran et al., 2003; and Woolridge and Lomuscio, 1999) and interpreted cognitive actions which only occur in agents' brains by a three-layer mode...Show More