I. Introduction
The Gentzen system for the propositional logic is a deduction system which is logically equivalent to the corresponding axiomatic system ([1], [2]) and is also called sequent calculus. The Gentzen system and were introduced in 1934 by Gerhard Gentzen([1]) as a tool for studying natural deduction of first-order logic. And the main theorem(Hauptsatz) the cut-elimination theorem was applied to give a (transfinite) proof of the consistency of Peano arithmetic, in response to Godel's incompleteness theorems. Predicate calculus proofs are generally much easier to discover with sequent calculus, and are often shorter. Axiomatic system is more suited to practical theorem-proving. Gentzen system is more suited to theoretical analysis. The Gentzen system for other logics are proposed for the automatic reasoning, such as the Gentzen system for the modal logic ([2]), for the description logic ([3], [4]), and the dynamic logic ([3], [5]).