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Showing 1-19 of 19 results


We propose a pair of related new techniques for measuring the modal power distribution (MPD) of light launched into a multimode fiber (MMF). For modern applications involving laser launches, our method has several potential advantages over ray optics-based methods such as and recent extensions of them . Instead of relying on a time-averaged measurement of near-field intensity with a CCD camera to ...Show More
Important, yet previously overlooked, anomalous optical fiber refractive index changes result from frozen-in viscoelastic strains, which are distinct from residual elastic strains. These index changes affect fiber design, measurement, and splicing, and can be harnessed to serve as the basis for novel fiber devices.Show More
The performance of plastic optical fiber is greatly influenced by the related but distinct effects of mode coupling and differential modal attenuation (DMA). We establish a method for estimating the matrix that governs both of these effects and allows us to distinguish the two. We obtain partial quantitative estimates of this matrix for a particular graded-index plastic optical fiber (GI-POF). The...Show More
We demonstrate a novel tunable dispersion compensator that utilizes higher order mode fibers and switchable fiber gratings. The device is broad band and wavelength continuous, yielding a bit rate, bit format, and signal bandwidth as well as channel-spacing transparent adjustable dispersion compensator. The novel device design is free from tradeoffs between tuning range and bandwidth. The tuning ra...Show More
We demonstrate a low loss higher-order-mode dispersion compensator that enables practical implementation of lumped or multi-span dispersion compensation schemes. The connector-to-connector module loss is 3.16 dB, and yields -886 ps/nm of dispersion, corresponding to compensation of 200 km of NZDSF.Show More
We use switchable fiber-gratings in higher-order-mode fibers to demonstrate a wavelength-continuous adjustable dispersion-compensator (tuning range ~ 435 ps/nm) that is broadband (30 nm) and low loss (average ~ 3.7 dB). 40 Gb/s transmission tests reveal penalty-free operationShow More
We propose and demonstrate a new technique for measuring the modal power distribution of light launched into a multimode fiber. When applied to high-speed lasers our method is much simpler than existing ones.
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We use a novel fiber-grating device to demonstrate the first polarization-insensitive all-fiber higher order mode dispersion compensator for broad-band dispersion compensation. Its low loss and high effective area have enabled transmission through 1000 km (10/spl times/100 km) of nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber (NZDSF) at 40 Gb/s.Show More
Summary form only given. Supercontinuum (SC) generation is a very attractive way to generate broad spectra. In particular spectrum-sliced SC sources at 1.5 /spl mu/m are of potential interest for dense-wavelength-division-multiplexing systems (DWDM) and networks. In this technique an ultrashort pulse seed generates broad coherent spectra by use of the nonlinear effect in an optical fibre. In this ...Show More
Graded-index multimode perfluorinated plastic optical fibers typically exhibit bandwidths much greater than would be expected from their index profiles. To resolve this discrepancy, we have conducted the first measurements of differential mode delay in such fibers. These measurements show intermodal dispersion that increases as the square root of fiber length, implying strong mode coupling in thes...Show More
We measure a value of N/sub 2/=2.45/spl times/10/sup -16/ cm/sup 2//W (/spl plusmn/5%) by self-phase modulation (SPM) in two 20 km dispersion-shifted fibers for random polarization at 1.55 /spl mu/m. There is still some dispersive broadening and we find that an accurate determination of N/sub 2/ requires fitting the experimental (SPM) spectra with a computer simulation to account for the variation...Show More
Summarizing, we have shown that it is possible to obtain a reduction in the SBS threshold through variation in the draw tension of Ge-doped core fibers. A 2.5 dB reduction in the SBS threshold was achieved by using a trapezoid variation in draw tension, as a function of fiber length.Show More
Transoceanic fiber optic systems that use erbium doped fiber amplifiers(EDFAs) require careful tailoring of chromatic dispersion along the length of the span. One of the parameters of interest to system designers is the additional chromatic dispersion introduced by the erbium ions in the EDFA. The effect of resonant chromatic dispersion due to erbium is also evident in the performance of short len...Show More
An attempt to relate polarization dispersion directly to some physical property and then use this as a means by which to characterize polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) is reported. A new diagnostic procedure has been developed and tested for screening dispersion-shifted (DS) fibers with PMD due to core ellipticity. Measurements of far-field radiation profiles across major and minor core axes are ...Show More
The lower bound in loss for fusion splices is ∼ 0.01 dB due principally to lateral offset of the cores and alteration of the index profile. This paper investigates the effects on loss of viscous flow and diffusion of the glass constituents during fusion, defining their time-temperature dependencies, and changes in index profile.Show More
Three hundred kilometers of single-mode fiber exhibiting median optical losses of 0.19 dB/km at 1.57 μm have been fabricated from preforms made by a high-rate Modified Chemical Vapor Deposition (MCVD) process. A new fiber design [1] was utilized which minimizes Rayleigh scattering loss by reducing the amount of dopants in the core. Milestone systems experiments incorporating this fiber have alread...Show More
We have investigated the angular range and mesh size required to calculate accurate mode field radii (MFR) from single-mode fiber far-field radiation patterns using the inverse Hankel transform. A computer aided fiber modeling program was used to calculate near-field mode distributions for both step-index and triangular index fibers at 1.55 μm. These distributions were then transformed to the far-...Show More
Dispersion-shifted single mode fibers have been fabricated with losses as low as 0.21 dB/km in the zero-dispersion region (\lambda_{0} \approx 1.5-1.6 \mum). Low-loss (average = 0.06-dB) fusion splices have been made with the chlorine-hydrogen flame fusion technique. The recoated splices show strengths in excess of 300 kpsi. The fibers have been incorporated into a cable structure with negligible ...Show More