Anirban Sarkar - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 52 results


Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is increasingly used as an architectural framework for many real-world applications. However, this framework restricts the modelling of applications involving large scale services with resource constraints. Further, large scale SOA (LSS) consists of multiple services, service consumers, and providers. Similar services with the same functionality exist in LSS, so...Show More
Now-a-days, service composition is an interesting mechanism in various fields, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, and Software-defined networks. Service composition aims to allow interactions among user requirements and their components. Several research studies have been performed on the formal verification to validate the service composition. However, less attention is paid t...Show More
Internet of Things (IoT) intended to connect various physical devices in multiple domains to offer high quality ondemand services. In this scope, identification of intended devices is remains a challenge because of heterogeneity and wide distribution. Context plays a significant role to enable provision of adequate services to the users based on their preferences. In addition, the context can help...Show More
Digital Microfluidic Biochips (DMFBs) are part of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices and comes under the category of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). DMFBs are designed to be an alternative for traditional biochemical laboratories. DMFBs achieve miniaturization, automation, and programmability. DMFBs use electro-wetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) property to manipulate droplets on-chip discretely. Seve...Show More
Description Logics (DLs) is the formalism of representing knowledge in Web Ontology Language (OWL). The Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group (SSN-XG) developed the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology. However, there is less attention paid to develop any rigorous formal approach for it. This paper aims to enhance the semantics of SSN ontology by developing suitable DLs. Various concepts of su...Show More
Leveraging the benefits of service computing technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) can help in rapid system development, composition and deployment. But due to the massive scale, computational and communication constraints, existing software service models cannot be directly applied for IoT based systems. Service discovery and composition mechanism need to be decentralized unlike majority of o...Show More
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a high level structure and related facets for developing service oriented system (SOS). In recent days, various SOA modelling approaches, such as set theoretic and graph, have been proposed. These approaches hinder the scalability in the design of large scale SOS. In such system, the computational complexity is increasing due to the multiple numbers of ...Show More
Currently, software companies are considering Component-based software (CBS) along with extra-functional properties (EFPs) with prime importance to improve the quality of the system design and development. It reduces their time and cost for the system development with the necessary focus on quality measurements. The quality of the final system can be measured efficiently by adapting the EFPs measu...Show More
Source camera identification is the problem of associating an image with its source device. Majority of the existing source detection techniques have their operations based on machine learning principles, and report a considerably high accuracy as far as prediction is concerned. Such techniques follow a basic operating principle: extract appropriate features from images, train classifier for camer...Show More
The newly emerged Software Defined Networks (SDN) can apply to Wide Area Network (WAN) for network control and management. To achieve this, a logically centralized but a physically distributed control architecture is normally required. This type of control architecture consists of multiple controllers. For maintaining the global consistency of the network, controller placement is a key issue in a ...Show More
Most NoSQL databases have been devised independently from each other with specific application requirements. This has resulted in developing separate own data model and query language for each NoSQL database. The lack of standards in data models and query languages make applications and data less portable using these databases. Further, absence of formal semantics in query languages inhibits a pre...Show More
Cloud computing refers to a distributive model that deliver web services over the network dynamically so that the consumers can access the services from anywhere on demand basis depending on the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Nowadays, Agent based Cloud computing technology plays a vital role in modeling of roles, collaborations and interactions among the cloud components and their service...Show More
Service composition refers to the process of developing the complex services from existing services. In order to add or remove functionalities of the composite services and to reduce the human intervention, the service composition process should be dynamic, scalable, and reusable. For the purpose, this paper proposes a Colored PetriNet based approach for service composition. In the proposed mechan...Show More
Inclusion of extra-functional properties (EFPs) can enrich the quality of component based system design and development. However, such inclusion is a complex engineering task. Thus, we need to identify valid and formally specified extra-functional properties and their composition mechanism for component based model. This will facilitate the developer to identify the best design suits on the compon...Show More
QoS evaluation based on their historical data not only helps in getting more accurate QoS, but also helps in making future QoS prediction, recommendation and knowledge discovery. [1] designed a generic QaaS (Quality as a service) model in the same line as PaaS and SaaS, where users can provide QoS attributes as inputs and the model returns services satisfying the user's QoS. It uses historical dat...Show More
Service discovery is the process of locating suitable services and retrieve their descriptions in response to the user requirements. The discovery process should include functional, behavioral and executional semantics of the services towards dynamic integration with user's applications. However, most of the discovery approaches exist in the literature primarily relies only on functional aspects a...Show More
Multi-Agent System (MAS) consists of innumerable independent and active units, called agents, which collaborate with each other to attain pre-determined goals or delegated objectives. Agents being uncoupled, scattered, event-driven and self-motivating in nature any MAS is distributed and large scale. Hence the analysis of MAS are intricate and crucial. This work proposes formal analysis method for...Show More
Now-a-days NoSQL databases have been potentially used for web-scale applications due its supports towards dynamic and flexible schema design and scalability. However, lack of a suitable database designing method for heterogeneous NoSQL databases create difficulties towards application developers and database designers to choose and design such databases effectively. To overcome this challenge, thi...Show More
Metadata enables organizations or individuals to create and associated data that can help to define richer details about the world and events around it. For the cloud environment, metadata demands identification of associative capacity of information. At the same time, the system should be flexible, scalable and capable of supporting efficient searching mechanism over disparate information generat...Show More
Several design specifications of service oriented architecture (SOA) reflects that traceability is a desired feature among business process model and service based implementation. But most of the literatures have merely drawn any suitable correspondence between business process facets and service concepts for service based system design. This paper proposes a Domain Specific Model based approach f...Show More
Functional as well as Non-functional specification plays important role in service composition, discovery and selection. Among all the Non-functional specification cost is the most important parameter to handle. Hence optimization of cost is an interesting area of research in the domain of non-functional property aware service provisioning. In order to provide an effective solution; a cost oriente...Show More
Service oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural paradigm for building enterprise service applications that use services available in a cloud computing environment. In recent days, with the advancement of cloud computing the usage of Web Services has increased rapidly. Therefore, service discovery has become one of the essential challenging factors nowadays for the service consumers. This p...Show More
One of the most challenging domains in cloud computing environment is to integrate various different cloud and its services. We have earlier proposed an abstraction layer called Enterprise Cloud Bus (ECB) that leveraged on multi agent technology, for resource virtualization. In this paper we are proposing the working principle of Service Registry and Publishing process in ECB that helps in enrichi...Show More
Design and analysis of Interactions among Components is crucial factor towards effective design of Component Based Software (CBS). Proper modelling of Component Interaction will facilitate the analysis and design of communications among the components in CBS. The communication among the components are implemented by calling the functions of other components of by message passing. This paper propos...Show More
Now-a-days with the enormous synthesize and increasing use in the arena of cloud computing, smart devices, and business intelligence, Big Data also has become a growing area of research. Yet in literature existing approaches regarding logical level designing of Big Data is very rare. Most are about representation of both semi-structured and structured data and from the perspective of schema-base. ...Show More