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Narayan C. Debnath - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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This study attempts to understand the students' acceptance of e-learning in Higher Education (HE) institutions. To better understand the facets that influence the acceptance of the use of e-learning by students, the authors have focused on frameworks that have in common the analysis of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) from the point of view of the user's perception. This paper provides a theoretic...Show More
Local binary patterns and Census share similar ideas of encoding the local region by establishing the relationship between neighbor pixels to obtain robust feature transformation. Recently, LBP and its variants have been successfully applied in various applications, such as texture classification, face recognition, object detection, and segmentation, while Census has only been used to investigate ...Show More
Description Logics (DLs) is the formalism of representing knowledge in Web Ontology Language (OWL). The Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group (SSN-XG) developed the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) ontology. However, there is less attention paid to develop any rigorous formal approach for it. This paper aims to enhance the semantics of SSN ontology by developing suitable DLs. Various concepts of su...Show More
Uncovering the dynamics of community structures in complex networks helps us to explore how such community structures change over time. But, understanding these structures is very challenging, especifically in dynamic complex networks where network structure changes frequently and interaction between the individuals changes over time. Recently, many dynamic community detection algorithms have been...Show More
We are permanently interacting with ubiquitous devices in our daily lives, and with services they present. Ubiquitous devices need to cooperate with other devices in order to provide services. There are some cooperation mechanisms for provide services, but they are commonly proprietary. The few proposals from academy have hardly achieved an impact in practice. This it is not in harmony with the si...Show More
In this work, we have considered designing a highly efficient capacity-constrained overlay multicast protocol; it is designed specifically for an existing Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) - based structured P2P architecture [9]. Such an architecture has been the choice for its structural advantages over DHT-based architectures. It is worth mentioning its most important advantage from the viewpoint ...Show More
Pixel value differencing (PVD) and Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding are well known spatial domain steganographic techniques. PVD utilizes the sharp changes of intensities among adjacent pixels where a large number of secret bits could be embedded without any perceptible change. one-time pad (OTP) symmetric cryptography is known for its security. In the proposed scheme one or more LSB bits of ...Show More
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a high level structure and related facets for developing service oriented system (SOS). In recent days, various SOA modelling approaches, such as set theoretic and graph, have been proposed. These approaches hinder the scalability in the design of large scale SOS. In such system, the computational complexity is increasing due to the multiple numbers of ...Show More
Blood donation is an important issue throughout the world to save and manage lives. In order to make this process more effective an automated system could be built to monitor and organize blood donation camps. In this paper we developed an integrated framework with all related but isolated web based sub systems of a blood management system. We propose a data warehouse (DW) as an integral part of t...Show More
Currently, software companies are considering Component-based software (CBS) along with extra-functional properties (EFPs) with prime importance to improve the quality of the system design and development. It reduces their time and cost for the system development with the necessary focus on quality measurements. The quality of the final system can be measured efficiently by adapting the EFPs measu...Show More
A new steganographic model using dual image has been proposed to increase the obscurity of the secret as well as to make it more secure. It uses two different images namely reference image and cover image along with a secret embed key (stego key). Reference image is divided into blocks with assigned block-codes. Total number of blocks and other embedding parameters (block traversing direction, sta...Show More
A novel rainfall prediction method has been proposed. In the present work rainfall prediction in Southern part of West Bengal (India) has been conducted. A two-step method has been employed. Greedy forward selection algorithm is used to reduce the feature set and to find the most promising features for rainfall prediction. First, in the training phase the data is clustered by applying k-means algo...Show More
Domestic and industrial pollutions affected the water quality to a greater extent. Polluted water became a major reason behind several community diseases, mainly in undeveloped and developing countries. The public health condition is deteriorating and putting an extra burden of countermeasures to prevent such water borne diseases from spreading. Detecting the drinking water quality can prevent suc...Show More
Most NoSQL databases have been devised independently from each other with specific application requirements. This has resulted in developing separate own data model and query language for each NoSQL database. The lack of standards in data models and query languages make applications and data less portable using these databases. Further, absence of formal semantics in query languages inhibits a pre...Show More
The growing importance of huge amount of data and the data analysis for business agility has prophesied managerial decisions to ensure data security and disaster recovery options. This growing dependency has triggered extensive storage of data and development of `high availability' databases. One of the prevalent practices in the industry is to provide for a data center (DC) where the on-going ser...Show More
Service composition refers to the process of developing the complex services from existing services. In order to add or remove functionalities of the composite services and to reduce the human intervention, the service composition process should be dynamic, scalable, and reusable. For the purpose, this paper proposes a Colored PetriNet based approach for service composition. In the proposed mechan...Show More
Inclusion of extra-functional properties (EFPs) can enrich the quality of component based system design and development. However, such inclusion is a complex engineering task. Thus, we need to identify valid and formally specified extra-functional properties and their composition mechanism for component based model. This will facilitate the developer to identify the best design suits on the compon...Show More
QoS evaluation based on their historical data not only helps in getting more accurate QoS, but also helps in making future QoS prediction, recommendation and knowledge discovery. [1] designed a generic QaaS (Quality as a service) model in the same line as PaaS and SaaS, where users can provide QoS attributes as inputs and the model returns services satisfying the user's QoS. It uses historical dat...Show More
Metadata enables organizations or individuals to create and associated data that can help to define richer details about the world and events around it. For the cloud environment, metadata demands identification of associative capacity of information. At the same time, the system should be flexible, scalable and capable of supporting efficient searching mechanism over disparate information generat...Show More
This study aims to optimize patient flow in emergency departments (ED) while minimizing associated costs. In order to compare the effects of the optimization, a simulation model for emergency departments has been implemented using District Event Simulation (DES) and queuing theory, while for the optimization, Genetic Algorithm is used to find the best arrangements. Principally, a discrete event ba...Show More
In this paper, we present a new approach to designing a scalable, hierarchical overlay P2P system which provides highly efficient data lookup operations as well fault tolerance. Instead of using a distributed hash table (DHT) based approach, we propose the use of Linear Diophantine Equation (LDE) as the mathematical basis to realize a hierarchical P2P architecture. LDE provides a significantly lig...Show More
In most of the engineering disciplines, new systems are designed by reusing existing components that have been used in other systems. Software engineering has been more focused on original development but it is now recognized that to achieve better software, more quickly and at lower cost, we need to adopt a design process that is based on systematic software reuse. Development of different cloud ...Show More
In many applications, such as e-voting, it is imperative that the privacy reaches a level of unconditional security. In this context, protocols that verify that condition reach maximum interest. Probably, the most interesting of them is Non Interactive Dining cryptographers (NIDC), which relaxes the condition of concurrency online for all participants. NIDC proposes to store the vote on a table of...Show More
The Internet is the main source of communication now-a-days; however, the identities of senders and receivers are not hidden. If someone wants to hide his/her identity, the most suitable choice is to use anonymous communication. Anonymous communication not only provides anonymity but also privacy. Anonymity is not something which was invented with the Internet. To overcome this and provide anonymi...Show More
Functional as well as Non-functional specification plays important role in service composition, discovery and selection. Among all the Non-functional specification cost is the most important parameter to handle. Hence optimization of cost is an interesting area of research in the domain of non-functional property aware service provisioning. In order to provide an effective solution; a cost oriente...Show More