Author details

Luiz Fernando Capretz
Also published under: L. F. Capretz, Luiz F. Capretz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Western University
London, ON, Canada
Luiz Fernando Capretz (Senior Member, IEEE) has vast experience in the software engineering field as a Practitioner, a Manager, and an Educator. Before joining Western University, Canada, he worked at both technical and managerial levels, taught, and did research on the engineering of software in Brazil, Argentina, U.K., Japan, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, and Singapore. He is currently a Full Professor of software engineering and the Director of the Software Engineering Program. He has held visiting positions with the University of Sharjah, New York University, Abu Dhabi, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, and Yale-NUS College. His research interests include software engineering, human aspects of software engineering, software testing, and ... Author's Published Works