Author details
Bashir M. Al-Hashimi
Also published under: B. M. Al-Hashimi, B. Al-Hashimi, Bashir Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. Al-hashimi, Bashir M. Al Hashimi, B. M. Al Hashimi

Bashir M. Al-Hashimi
Also published under: B. M. Al-Hashimi, B. Al-Hashimi, Bashir Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. Al-hashimi, Bashir M. Al Hashimi, B. M. Al Hashimi
Department of Engineering
Centre for Intelligent Information Processing Systems (CIIPS)
King’s College London, London, U.K.
Bashir M. Al-Hashimi is an ARM Professor of computer engineering, the Dean of engineering and physical sciences, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K. His research interests include methods, algorithms, and design automation tools for low-power design and test of embedded-computing systems. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the U.K. Royal Academy of Engineering.(Based on document published on 23 March 2020). Author's Published Works