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Makoto Mizukawa - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

Showing 1-25 of 81 results

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In this study, we focus on the standing-up motion assist for elderly people, and we are developing a standing-up motion support system, because the support of stand-up motion is the most physically burdened task for caregivers. The system is designed to be used easily and can carry out minimum necessary support for elderly people by moving the handle. The support system consists of two electric sl...Show More
Electromyography (EMG) is an experiment-based method for evaluating and recording a series of electrical signals that emanate from body muscles. The electrical manifestation of neuromuscular activation generated in muscles during contraction and/or relaxation is known as EMG signals. In this paper, a preliminary study is conducted in order to improve the fitness of post-stroke survivors with a min...Show More
In this study, we develop a person following system based on RGB-D features by autonomous robot with multi-Kinect sensor. The sensor system is composed of multiple Kinect sensors, we call it “Multi-Kinect”. Since the field of view of a single Kinect sensor is narrow, this sensor makes it wider by using three Kinect sensors. Furthermore, the system selects a person who raises hand or says “Start” a...Show More
In this study, we aim to construct a sequence of towel folding operations by a robot arm. In this paper, we propose the methods for spreading a towel and detecting the grasp positions. For the easy spreading of the towel, we propose how to put the towel on the table. The proposed method lifts one vertex of the towel, and detects the shadow part by using a camera image for recognizing the overlappe...Show More
In this paper, we propose a method to initialize a real living space for the purpose of robotics services support in human daily activities. To introduce service robot into unknown or first-see living environment, a robotics system needs environmental information such as furniture 3D appearance and articulation. This functional information can be realized using environment map that can filtering c...Show More
Commonsense is one of the keys to enable human-robot communication in daily life scenarios. It is very difficult for a robot to do tasks ordered by a human without having some basic knowledge to understand the human's commands. This paper proposes a method to automatically build commonsense knowledge for the “Tidy-up” service, in which a robot is asked to take objects such as books, cups, dishes o...Show More
The purpose of this study is to execute a beverage can opening task by an articulated versatile robot arm, which is often executed in our daily life. We generated beverage can opening trajectories for position controlled single robot arm and dual robot arm. We analyzed the humans' can opening operations and generated trajectories for opening the lid of beverage can. They are sequential rotational ...Show More
To spread service robots to the society, one of the problems to be solved is a collision between service robot and human at corner. The purpose of this study is to make a method for the robot to prevent the collision at corner. As a first phase of this study, we analyzed the human behavior at corner. We found the characteristics of the human's walking trajectories. From these results, we examined ...Show More
In this study, we aim to achieve a robot motion to break an egg by a single robot arm. Eggs are often used for cooking. The study of the egg breaking by a dual arm robot has been done until now. We considered an adequate motion to break an egg by using a single robot arm. The arm makes a crack on the egg by hitting it to the edge of a frying pan, opens the shell of the egg by hooking it to the edg...Show More
Recently, how to support and care elderly people is serious problem. Modern approach is trying to support to keep health (body and mental) seniors living alone, but it is hard to keep a health by oneself. Our aim is monitoring a user's life for providing suitable services to keep his/her health. To providing suitable service, life log is very useful information. However, traditional monitoring sys...Show More
This paper presents a work underdone with the intention of filling the gap between system-level designs and simulations in the context of mechatronics. High levels system designs and specifications that usually expressed in SysML are not sufficient to verify the performance of dynamical systems because SysML is only capable of descriptive semantics. In other words, it cannot generate executable si...Show More
This paper presents a SysML system-level modeling method and the evaluation of parametric constraints using an analysis tool for a case of low-level motion systems. To this end, we create separately system-level design models based on the SysML constructs by defining the structure of the system. For engineering analysis, we apply the SysML parametric technology to facilitate integration between th...Show More
The authors are developing programming less force controlled finishing robot system which is applied environment and task motion framework technology. In order that the robot handles a workpiece and carries out a finishing work automatically, position and posture information of a workpiece is needed. This paper proposes a realization method for workpiece position and posture measurement system by ...Show More
In this paper, we discuss pointing gesture estimation in the context of Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Pointing gesture provides and utilizes information in Kukanchi (Interactive Human Space Design and Intelligence) more natural than other conservative method like keyboard or mouse. Therefore, we design a user interface adopting pointing gesture to manipulate objects and robot naturally in 3D spac...Show More
In our research, we aim to construct a house-keeping robot system which folds laundry. And, we propose a way for folding clothes without vision sensing device. To realize this system, we prepare appropriate fixed folding motion. We analyzed cloth folding motions by human. And, we found fixed folding motion pattern for the robot. Furthermore, we generated a trajectory of folding motion which is app...Show More
This paper proposes the task management system to decompose service request from a user into detailed robotic task plans. User's request should be simple, such as “Bring me the newspaper”. However, robotic task plan is complicated and needs to be dynamically generated depending on actual environment and system status. We propose robot profile with capability properties to select robot depending on...Show More
This paper proposes, for the purpose of offsetting the limited capability of the heterogeneous sensors stationed in the environment to collect the user information, the active information supplement framework. In this framework, the communication robots used for offering services to users are utilized as new sensors to actively collect user information by interacting with the user; the information...Show More
This paper proposes our approach to disambiguate human pointing gesture by using commonsense knowledge. Pointing gesture is a natural way to specify the object that a user needs in the “Bring something” service. However, error in gesture recognition makes robot difficult to select the correct candidate object when there are multiple objects located closely together. To solve this problem, Robot Te...Show More
This study aims to find an adequate method to achieve opening a lid of Japanese tea caddy by robot arm. Although the lid is not screw structure, some people open the lid by screwing for opening. This paper compared two methods of opening the lid: by just pulling up the lid and by screwing the lid for opening. Opening ease of the lid was evaluated by using the maximum pulling up force for opening. ...Show More
People store many things in drawer cases. However, they sometimes forget the places of the stored things. As a solution of this problem, we propose a managing system which server stores and informs the place of the stored things by using the idea of “Intelligent Space”. Home service robot is able to use this system for getting information of stored things and bring them to the user. The system con...Show More
Sharing commonsense knowledge is one key to realize symbiosis between human and robot. However, as human knowledge is so complicated, it is difficult to extract appropriate information for robot. This paper presents our approach to extract the core part from Basic-level Knowledge Network (BKN) to be used for intuitive “Bring something” robotic service. A two-step filtering method was implemented b...Show More
Human commonsense is required to improve quality of robotic application. However, to acquire the necessary knowledge, robot needs to evaluate the appropriateness of the data it has collected. This paper presents an evaluation method, by combining the weighting mechanism in commonsense databases with a set of weighting factors. The method was verified on our Basic-level Knowledge Network. We conduc...Show More
One of the tasks which we expect executing by home service robots is a handling of thin objects like papers or plastic cards. It is a difficult task for the home service robots to pick up a thin object placed on the table, because it needs high dexterity. To achieve this motion by home service robots, we used a two-fingered parallel soft gripper with a soft nail, and constructed a sequence of pick...Show More
Recently, a lot of industrial robots are used in factories. However, finishing robot systems are not widely used yet because the use of force control robot is difficult. In this study, we develop environment and task motion framework for finishing robot system. We formalize work information and software on environment and task motion framework technology. We place information on tools, works, and ...Show More
Book arrangement task is still executed by humans, and it has not been mechanized, yet. So, we are developing a book arrangement robot system. Our developed system can insert the grasping book to the narrow gap in the bookshelf or in case the side book is inclined. We have constructed an operation by the robot arm based on the human operation. Physical models of the book for examining the conditio...Show More