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Yoni Nicolas-Rojas - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Currently, video cameras are used in many applications, from security to recognition mechanism, all based on the analysis of images and videos, these records are made in most cases for continuous periods of recording, which is why they have large video storage weight on hard drives, in this paper, we describe a method to analyze images of high weight, using the graphic processing units known as GP...Show More
With the growth and development of autonomous electronic devices, the use and applications of batteries, which are used as a mechanism to ensure the use of these devices, is growing. At present, devices that use batteries often present some kind of damage, mainly due to misuse or ignorance in the handling of batteries, so it is important to know how batteries work and how to evaluate their conditi...Show More
The recent technological development results in developing new devices for different uses, such as applications of various uses, which can be used for many applications. This study demonstrated a novel methodology to conFigure a digital audiometer using generic devices such as the use of high-end headphones in video games, and mobile applications known as function generators, with which an audiome...Show More