Wei Sun - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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A low complexity coherent 16×400 Gbit/s datacenter interconnect with 50Gbaud 4SC-16QAM DSCM signal is experimentally demonstrated, enabled by a novel low complexity transceiver IQ skew estimation method and simplified equalizer embedded phase tracking.Show More
We propose an overlapped dense long short-term memory network (OD-LSTM) that consumes different hidden units at different time steps. We use it for effective fiber nonlinearity compensation with a lower complexity.Show More
We thoroughly examine intra- and inter-symbol EEPN and calculate the variances of EEPN-induced phase, amplitude noise, and their ratio for coherent QPSK signals. We also provide the phase-compensated EEPN following blind phase search (BPS). All theoretical proofs are validated through simulation.Show More