Riarsari Meirani Utami - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Mixed transmission lines, comprising overhead lines and underground cable lines, are utilized to facilitate electrical transmission in high-voltage infrastructure, particularly in places with specific requirements, including urban areas or locations separated by bodies of water. Given the distinct fault characteristics of each transmission type, implementing auto-reclose (AR) protection schemes is...Show More
Globally, the transition to renewable energy is crucial to achieve the ambitious target of zero emissions by 2050. Despite Indonesia's significant solar power potential, only 0.08% has been harnessed. Notably, in regions like Jakarta, where sunlight persists for an average of 5-6 hours daily, Indonesia stands as a prime candidate for solar energy development. This article investigates the potentia...Show More
The IEC 61850 standard is an international standard for automation and communication systems at substations, which introduces Ethernet-based communication for exchanging information between protection and control devices at substations. In addition, IEC 61850 also defines server-to-server communication called the generic objectoriented substation event (GOOSE) Message as a fast message transmissio...Show More
Transmission line protection system isolates transmission lines from both temporary and permanent faults. For many years, distance protection relays have been used to provide a simple yet reliable transmission line protection system. Distance protection has several protected zones based on transmission line impedance measurements, typically zone1 as main protection, zone2 and zone3 as remote backu...Show More