Shiming He - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Detailed system operations are recorded in logs. To ensure system reliability, developers can detect system anomalies through log anomaly detection. Log parsing, which converts semi-structured log messages into structured data, is a crucial step in log anomaly detection and advanced program analysis and verification. Despite the availability of various log parsing tools, they generally suffer from...Show More
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can alleviate the computational burden on edge devices through assisted computing. However, with the increase in the number of Internet of Things Devices (IoTDs), it is essential to establish a task queue on the UAV to schedule computing tasks from IoTDs. In addition, the load fairness of UAVs should be optimized to fully utilize the computing resources. Therefore, a ...Show More
With the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the types of vehicular applications are becoming more diverse. And Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC) can provide the computing resource and caching resource for the diverse applications with the lower latency compared with the cloud. However, due to the limited resource of VEC and the long haul transmission fro...Show More
With the continuous development of software technology, the size and complexity of software systems and hardware systems are growing rapidly. Any failure can cause huge losses. It is very important to ensure the stability and reliability of the system. Logs are a rich, important and valuable source of information that can help debug the system and analyze the root cause. Transfer learning emerges ...Show More
System logs record noteworthy information and become a valuable resource for tracking and investigating the status of a system. Detecting anomalies from logs as fast as possible can enhance quality of service. Although many deep learning algorithms have achieved good results in the field of log anomaly detection, we find that they assume that data is acquired and trained in bulk and may have high ...Show More
Connection of the neutral point of the ac capacitor to the midpoint or positive (negative) rail of the dc link is a cost-effective method to suppress the leakage current to the ground. However, applying it to a modular parallel interleaved inverter system with the common ac and dc bus will induce a zero-sequence circulating current (ZSCC) resonance issue. This article first establishes the common ...Show More
Modular parallel inverters with interleaving are a cost-effective approach to improve system performances. In this article, a simple distributed carrier phase shifting control method with the local controller is proposed. First, the resultant current harmonics for modular parallel inverters are analyzed considering the crystal oscillator frequency deviation. Then, a NOR gate circuit-based synchron...Show More
Modular interleaved parallel inverters with shared dc and ac bus will introduce the zero-sequence circulating current (ZSCC) between the paralleled modules. Larger ZSCC may increase the current stress of power switches and reduce system efficiency. In this article, the ZSCC equivalent circuit model with multimodular interleaved parallel inverters is established. The influences of different factors...Show More
High-performance comprehensive optimization of line current ripple, zero-sequence circulating current (ZSCC), and switching losses is a challenge for parallel interleaved inverters. This article proposes a modified discontinuous pulse width modulation (PWM) method for two parallel interleaved two-level voltage-source inverters (2L-VSIs), which are regarded as a single 3L-VSI to optimize its vector...Show More
According to the instantaneous active power balance, the small-signal mathematical model from active current to dc-side bus voltage is proposed. When the rectifier operates in the rectification mode, it has a right-half-plane (RHP) zero and exhibits a non-minimum phase feature which causes a phase lag and affects system stability. The stable regions and how system stability is affected by variatio...Show More