Often, security policies take an overly proscriptive approach designed to shape "secure" behavior in the specification of constraints, controls, and impediments to free action. In the case of very detailed policies, the user may not even understand the logic behind the behavior. This research poses a simple premise: if a desired state of system security can be achieved with a policy that affords t...Show More
The real value of mobile applications is heavily dependent on consumers' trust in the privacy of their personal information and location data. However, research has generated few results based on actual information disclosure and even less that is based on longitudinal behavior. The purpose of this study is to execute a unique and authentic field experiment involving real risks and consumer behavi...Show More
Geospatially-aware mobile devices and applications (GAMODAs) are increasingly penetrating both business and consumer markets. One of the primary concerns with GAMODAs is the new dimension of information privacy risk associated with users' location data. However, because this technology is relatively new, it is possible that much of this concern can be explained by the user's knowledge (or lack the...Show More
Despite the availability of several free and lower-cost alternatives, the multi-billion dollar market for office productivity software suites (OPSS) is dominated by Microsoft Office. Theoretical and empirical research has typically attempted to explain such customer loyalty from the perspective of customer's satisfaction. However, although loyal customers are typically satisfied, satisfaction alon...Show More