IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

Early Access Articles

Early Access articles are intended to help authors get published as quickly as possible. Early Access articles are accepted and peer-reviewed, but may not be fully edited or assigned to a publication issue or volume. All Early Access articles are fully citable as soon as they appear in IEEE Xplore.
In this paper, a continuous-time adaptive actor-critic reinforcement learning (RL) controller is developed for drift-free uncertain nonlinear systems. Practical examples of such systems are imagebased visual servoing (IBVS) and wheeled mobile robots (WMR), where the system dynamics include a parametric uncertainty in the control effectiveness matrix with no drift term. The uncertainty in the input...Show More
In this work, the transportation problem is addressed by directly attaching the payload to a team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The proposed flight controller for cooperative transportation offers a solution by eliminating the need for prior knowledge of payload details, such as the center of gravity (CoG), mass, and moment of inertia (MoI). Typically, the formation for transporting the payl...Show More

Contact Information

Sonia Mart?nez
University of California - San Diego
San Diego

Contact Information

Sonia Mart?nez
University of California - San Diego
San Diego