IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

Issue 2 Part 1 • Feb.-2022


Table of Contents

Publication Year: 2022,Page(s):C1 - 693

Table of Contents

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics publication information

Publication Year: 2022,Page(s):C2 - C2

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics publication information

This article presents a stabilization achievement for a switched nonlinear time-delay system through output-feedback control under the sampled-data and global senses. An observer with the sampled output measurement is constructed to evaluate the unavailable states, and then a controller formed from the sampled observer states is given. For the stability analysis, a merging virtual switching signal...Show More
In this article, a new approach is proposed for stability analysis and controller design of nonlinear discrete-time positive systems by means of the Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy model. The closed-loop stability and the positivity constraint are guaranteed by synthesizing a linear co-positive Lyapunov function and by applying the parallel distributed compensation controller. In contrast to the state-...Show More
During decades, the automatic train operation (ATO) system has been gradually adopted in many subway systems for its low-cost and intelligence. This article proposes two smart train operation (STO) algorithms by integrating the expert knowledge with reinforcement learning algorithms. Compared with previous works, the proposed algorithms can realize the control of continuous action for the subway s...Show More
Human–robot collaborative assembly has been one of the next-generation manufacturing paradigms in which superiorities of humans and robots can be fully leveraged. To enable robots effectively collaborate with humans, similar to human–human collaboration, robot learning from human demonstrations has been adopted to learn the assembly tasks. However, existing feature-based approaches r...Show More
This article proposes a sliding-mode-observer (SMO)-based control strategy to regulate the dc-link voltage for a three-phase two-level active front end (AFE). The SMO is designed for the voltage control loop to estimate the external load which is abruptly connected to the AFE dc-link and consequently causes the dc-link voltage fluctuation. The estimated load value is used to compensate the voltage...Show More
A fast architecture for real-time (i.e., minute-based) training of a traffic predictor is studied, based on the so-called broad learning system (BLS) paradigm. The study uses various traffic datasets by the California Department of Transportation, and employs a variety of standard algorithms (LASSO regression, shallow and deep neural networks, stacked autoencoders, convolutional, and recurrent neu...Show More
This article addresses the robust fixed-time stabilization control problem for generic linear systems with both matched and mismatched disturbances. A new observer-based fixed-time control technique is proposed to solve this robust stabilization problem, provided that the system matrix pair $(A,B)$ is controllable. The ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system in the presence of mismatched ...Show More
Evolutionary algorithms and swarm intelligence algorithms have been widely used for constrained optimization problems for decades and numerous techniques for constraint handling have been proposed. The ${\varepsilon }$ -constrained method is a very effective one. In the literature, the ${\varepsilon }$ value was usually controlled via an exponential function, which is not competent for solving ...Show More
Offspring generation plays an important role in evolutionary multiobjective optimization. However, generating promising candidate solutions effectively in high-dimensional spaces is particularly challenging. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive offspring generation method for large-scale multiobjective optimization. First, a preselection strategy is proposed to select a balanced parent po...Show More
This article considers the decentralized fractional-order fault-tolerant control problem for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) against wind disturbances and actuator faults in a directed communication network. A new composite adaptive disturbance observer-based decentralized fractional-order fault-tolerant control (CADOB-DFO-FTC) scheme, which incorporates fractional-order (FO) sliding-mode surfaces...Show More
For the conservatism issue of state-feedback control for Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy systems, a novel local controller design method and stability analysis approach are proposed in this article. First, based on a membership function piecewise linearization technique, a local linear controller is proposed to form a closed-loop system. Then, a series of system stability conditions are derived using qu...Show More
There have been a wide variety of practical control applications having human in the loop in today’s society, such as automobile systems, health care, and energy management. In this article, a Markov jump system with controlled and hidden modes (MJSCHM) is employed to model a class of human-in-the-loop (HiTL) control systems which passively monitor human internal state (HIS) and take appropriate c...Show More
Biomimetic underwater robots have attracted considerable research attention globally, owing to their quieter actuations, higher propulsion efficiency, and stronger maneuverability when compared with conventional underwater vehicles equipped with axial propellers. This article provides a comprehensive survey of current research in this field. First, we review the development status of biomimetic un...Show More
This article considers the distributed fixed-time resource allocation problem subject to global equality and local inequality constraints. In the case that the optimal solutions are strictly feasible, a projection-gradient-based continuous-time algorithm is first proposed to minimize a team of cost functions in the fixed time. As some optimal solutions locate on the boundary of local constraints, ...Show More
Packet routing is one of the fundamental problems in computer networks in which a router determines the next-hop of each packet in the queue to get it as quickly as possible to its destination. Reinforcement learning (RL) has been introduced to design autonomous packet routing policies with local information of stochastic packet arrival and service. However, the curse of dimensionality of RL prohi...Show More
Currently, the diagnosis of single fault marked by distinct characteristics has received mass concern, and the related research achievements are remarkable. However, the diagnosis of early multiple intermittent (EMI) faults commonly existing in industrial systems is still an intractable problem, owing to: 1) the scarcity of fault data and the faintness of features and 2) the mutual interaction of ...Show More
The problem of enhanced stabilization of discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system is investigated in depth via proposing a new way to employ much more information implied in various time-varying differences of multi-instant normalized fuzzy weighting functions. Benefit from the given comprehensive real-time scheduling model, these time-varying differences on time vertical dimension and two differe...Show More
In this article, active vibration suppression and attitude control for flexible spacecraft under model uncertainty and external disturbance are investigated. First, an adaptive disturbance observer (ADO) and flexible vibration observer (FVO) are proposed to estimate the lumped uncertainty and flexible vibration. It is shown that the proposed ADO is nonoverestimated and the first derivative upper b...Show More
Recently, the security problem of wireless networked control systems (WNCSs) has become critical. In this article, we focus on strategies designing problem for sensor and denial-of-service (DoS) attacker in WNCS based on linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) cost. In this scenario, a sensor measures the output of the system and transmits its local state estimate to the remote estimator via an unreliable...Show More
This article investigates a political party or an association social network where members share a common set of beliefs. In modeling it as a distributed iterative algorithm with network dynamics mimicking the interactions between people, the problem of interest becomes that of determining: 1) the conditions when convergence happens in finite time and 2) the corresponding steady-state opinion. For...Show More
In this study, the security problem of discrete nonlinear systems with injection attacks is discussed by designing two kinds of iterative learning schemes with the partial information and delay. The definitions of security and insecurity are presented and the injection attack is considered in a discrete nonlinear system. The contribution of this study is twofold: 1) two kinds of iterative learning...Show More
Although great progress has been made in generic object detection by advanced deep learning techniques, detecting small objects from images is still a difficult and challenging problem in the field of computer vision due to the limited size, less appearance, and geometry cues, and the lack of large-scale datasets of small targets. Improving the performance of small object detection has a wider sig...Show More
This article is concerned with the problem of distributed adaptive fuzzy fault-tolerant containment control (FTCC) for a class of heterogeneous nonlinear multiagent systems with actuator faults and external disturbances. Two FTCC strategies are proposed for two different cases, i.e., leader’s input can be obtained by its neighboring follower agents and the input of the leader is not available by a...Show More

Contact Information

Robert Kozma
University of Massachusetts Amherst, College of Information and Computer Sciences; University of Memphis

Contact Information

Robert Kozma
University of Massachusetts Amherst, College of Information and Computer Sciences; University of Memphis