2010 Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

2010 Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing

Volume 1 • Sept.-2010

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[Front and back cover]

Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):c1 - c4

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Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):i - v

Table of contents

Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):vi - xi
In this paper, a terminal sliding mode control based on fuzzy disturbance observer scheme is proposed. For a nonlinear system, the disturbance that can not be directly measured is estimated using a fuzzy disturbance observer. Considering both the terminal sliding mode surface and the observer error, a novel adaptive law for the fuzzy disturbance observer is presented. Based on the output of the fu...Show More
The distance measure for features is of critical importance for all kind of classification methods in image retrieval algorithm. In this paper, we propose to introduce the Mahalanobis distance and additional Whirling correlation test to formulate a combined content similarity detection with discrete walsh transform (DWT). We show that, with the same content based image retrieval algorithm, adding ...Show More
By the properties of the generalized f-projection operator,an iterative scheme for the system of generalized variational inequalities is proposed in non-compact subsets of Banach spaces, and new existence theorems and results of approximating solutions for the iterative algorithm are given in uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces.Show More
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) sharing and communication are the key impetus factor of the central china innovation and practice. Through the analysis of the influence factor and the question of the technological innovation are in the central china, from the aspect of strategic instruction, the policy support and the technical diffusion system construction, we carry on the innovation analysis...Show More
Many oilfield have gone into the intermediary or later stage of development, with the raise of the development level, reservoir geologic research urgently need some new practical technique method to describe reservoir properties accurately and carefully. Basing on principles of sedimentology and quantitative analysis of well logging interpretation, carrying out micro-phase study, and using the res...Show More
Based on the principle of chromaticity, compile fluorescence spectrums' chromaticity inversion program, and calculate the color coordinates of crude oil excited by monochromatic purple light from external light source. Color coordinates can reflect different aromatic compounds in different components of crude oil, because fluorescence spectrums are different. In this way, the experimental results ...Show More
In this article, the movement rules of human evacuation in subway station were studied in order to provide scientific basis for evacuation design and operational management. A typical subway station was simulated and analyzed on occupant evacuation process under different accident scenes, by setting scene conditions such as people load and accident spot. The amount of exits that can be used under ...Show More
A fast algorithm of logarithm-form fractional lower-order spectrums is proposed in this paper in order to be facilitative for practice application that traditional fractional lower-order spectrums need to identify characteristic exponent alpha and improve its calculating speed for alpha stable distribution signal or noise. The algorithm is not depended on a prior knowledge of characteristic expone...Show More
Plastic parts such as automotive panel are becoming much more complex and compact than before. In mould manufacturing industry, a lot of delicate substructures are usually processed by EDM. To alleviate the burden of time-consuming electrode design on mould designers, automation in EDM electrode design is necessary. A volume decomposition based algorithm is proposed in this paper to automate the e...Show More
In order to realize high speed and high precision position control of some rocket launcher servo system, aimed at all kinds of uncertainties such as widely changing moment of inertia and load moment, and strong impact moment, super-twisting algorithm is introduced to design speed controller and current controller. In order to guarantee mover speed to track its reference signal strictly when the sy...Show More
Traditionally, some common algorithms to optimize the integration of logistics resource are linear programming, dynamic programming, and etc., however, these algorithms can't well solve many complex optimization issues, especially nonlinear issues, because of the continuous growth of issue complexity. On the contrary, intelligent computing technology has many advantages in solving complex, nonline...Show More
In this paper, we present a revised method to compute the similarity of traditional string edit distance. Given two strings X and Y over a finite alphabet, an edit distance between X and Y can be defined as the minimum weight of transforming X into Y through a sequence of weighted edit operations. Because this method lacks some types of normalization, it would bring some computation errors when th...Show More
We present and analyze a model of Opinion Dynamics and Bounded Confidence on the stochastic movement world. There are two mechanisms for interaction. `Eyeshot' limits the set of neighbors around the agent and `Bounded Confidence' chooses the agents to exchange the opinion in the set. Every time step, agent i looks for the agents in its eyeshot and adjusts their opinion based on the algorithm of Bo...Show More

Using HMM to sign language video retrieval

Shilin Zhang;Bo Zhang

Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):55 - 59
Cited by: Papers (3)
This paper presents a system called DCMR. Content-based video searching is a challenging field, and most research focus on the low level features such as color histogram, texture and etc. In this paper, we solve the searching problem by high level features used by hand language recognition. Firstly, we find the face in video frames that has complex background, and then we find the left hand and ri...Show More
Sliding mode variable structure control and RBF neural network has complementary advantages in nonlinear application field. The characteristics of variable structure control and RBF neural network are introduced. Several methods combining variable structure control and RBF network are summarized and studied. Ship motion nonlinear mathematical model is established. A sliding mode controller based o...Show More
The surface and volume rendering techniques are frequently applied to reconstruct 3-D image sequence based on CT (Computerized Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonant imaging). Surface rendering can fully capture the geometric features of isosurface, however, it does not have the internal geometry information. Volume rendering reconstruction technique includes the detailed internal features, but it...Show More
In this paper, materialized view selection problem that can improve OLAP (online analytical processing) query efficiency is studied. In recent years, a new hotspot in artificial intelligence, namely clonal selection algorithm has good global search ability and special memory base that can accelerate searching speed. In order to overcome premature phenomenon, this paper presents Metropolis criterio...Show More
This paper made a further research based on the extended unitary diagonalization of skew self-conjugate matrix. Based on the definition of skew selfconjugate matrix, we discussed some properties of skew self-conjugate matrix, and gave the necessary and sufficient condition for determining whether ; is a right eigenvalue of matrix in the quaternion field. By means of the Schur theorem in real quate...Show More
In order to improve the ability of neighborhood search of differential evolutionary (DE) algorithm, we propose a new variant of DE with linear neighborhood search, called LiNDE, for global optimization problems (GOPs). LiNDE employs a linear combination of triple vectors taken randomly from evolutionary population. The main characteristics of LiNDE are less parameters and powerful neighborhood sea...Show More
The capacity of Flash on-board is generally small, the data will be lost after SDRAM power-down, and they can not easily transfer the data to a computer. In order to meet with large-capacity storage needs in the image processing system, this paper uses CF card as removable storage media. It mainly introduces the working principle of CF (Compact Flash) cards and the principle of FAT16 file system, ...Show More
Interior-point methods not only are the most effective methods in practice but also have polynomial-time complexity. In this paper we present a primal-dual interior-point algorithm for second-order cone programming problems based on a simple kernel function. We derive the iteration bounds O(nlogε/n) and O(√nlogε/n) for large- and small-update methods, respectively, which are as good as those in th...Show More
In the paper we present a new descent algorithm with curve search rule for unconstrained minimization problems. At each iteration, the next iterative point is determined by means of a curve search rule. It is particular that the search direction and the step size is determined simultaneously at each iteration of the new algorithm. Similarly to conjugate gradient methods, the algorithm avoids the c...Show More