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OFC 2001. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit. Technical Digest Postconference Edition (IEEE Cat. 01CH37171) | Early Access | IEEE Xplore

OFC 2001. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit. Technical Digest Postconference Edition (IEEE Cat. 01CH37171)

Volume 3 -2001

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Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit

Publication Year: 2001,Page(s):1 - 61
An extended ABCD model for actively mode-locked fiber lasers is presented. This new scheme includes the amplifier model taking into account the power evolution along the cavity fiber. The first experimental validation is reported.Show More
Rational harmonic mode-locking is first demonstrated in an erbium-doped fiber laser using an all-optical approach. The setup provides a means for the conversion of wavelength, as well as the conversion between bright and dark pulses.Show More
We theoretically study the timing and energy jitter of an actively mode-locked dispersion-managed fiber ring laser. We show that the jitter is significantly dependent on the location of the filter, amplifier, and modulator in the cavity.Show More
Fabry-Perot semiconductor saturable absorber has been implemented in a colliding pulse configuration for stabilizing a harmonically mode-locked fiber laser. An environmentally stable colliding-pulse mode-locked (CPM) design is shown to enhance supermode suppression.Show More
We demonstrate a simple 40 GHz RZ source based on a fiber optical parametric amplifier. By using a narrowband 40 GHz sinusoidally intensity modulated pump, stable, nearly chirp free, high power, 2-4 ps wide pulses are obtained over 37 nm, extended into the L-band.Show More
An efficient tunable erbium-doped fiber ring laser for 1580 nm band is realized by injecting conventional band amplified spontaneous emission with a fiber Bragg grating. The insertion of the fiber Bragg grating reduces the lasing threshold by a half. The tuning range is from 1560 to 1610 nm with signal to noise ratio better than 60 dB.Show More
A polarization maintaining erbium/Brillouin fiber amplifier was investigated. The output noise of the amplified source was measured and compared to shot-noise. Shot-noise limited performance was achieved within the 1 GHz to 8 GHz frequency band.Show More
We propose and demonstrate multiwavelength fiber lasers with tunable wavelength spacing. A tunable spacing filter consists of polarizers and a PMF. By changing the stress position on the PMF, the spacing can be controlled.Show More

High contrast waveguide devices

Y. Hibino

Publication Year: 2001,Page(s):WB1 - WB1
Cited by: Papers (2) | Patents (1)
Silica-on-Si waveguides with a higher core-to-cladding index contrast can provide high-density and low-cost optical devices for photonic networks. This paper reviews recent progress on these devices focusing on arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) and lattice-type filters.Show More
A WDM filter with a 50-GHz-spacing and 102-channels was successfully fabricated by integrating two 100-GHz-spacing AWGs and a 50-GHz-spacing lattice-form interleave filter in one chip. A wide 1-dB pass-band of 30 GHz and a low-loss of 4 dB were realized.Show More
We propose a novel birefringence compensating arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) design that utilizes birefringence dependence on core width. We successfully demonstrated a polarization insensitive 100 GHz-spaced 16-channel multiplexer with a polarization dependent wavelength shift of 0.01 nm.Show More
A novel wavelength interleaving filter (interleaver) has been demonstrated with Fourier transform-based Mach Zehnder interferometers (MZIs). The interleaver works as two independent 1/spl times/2 interleavers by sharing their delay lines and couplers.Show More
A novel type of in-line multi-channel monitor module with compact packaging has been developed. This module has low polarization sensitivity (PDL:0.13 dB, polarization dependent monitoring sensitivity: 0.2 dB), and is applicable to various WDM components.Show More
We present narrow beam divergence InGaAs/AlGaAs 980 nm ridge waveguide laser diodes with over 1 W CW-rollover power. Together with superior power conversion efficiency a maximum fiber-coupled light output power of over 0.5 W has been reached.Show More
Single-mode broad-waveguide separate confinement ridge-waveguide InGaAsP/InP diode lasers emitting in 1500 nm wavelength range have realized cw output power levels in excess of 400 mW. The high-power broad-waveguide structure design and ridge-waveguide fabrication technology along with device operational performance parameters will be discussed.Show More
We have realized highly reliable 1.3 /spl mu/m AlGaInAs FP lasers with low power penalty of 1.4 dB at 10 Gbps and 85/spl deg/C. The MTTF was estimated over 1.5/spl times/10/sup 5/ hours and no deterioration of (catastrophic optical damage)COD level was observed during the life test.Show More
All-optical networks require low cost and high efficiency laser sources. We demonstrate floorless 2.5 Gbit/s transmission under 20 dB return loss with 1.3 /spl mu/m tapered lasers designed for optics-free, isolator-free modules with no temperature control.Show More
40-GHz active mode-locking of a monolithic DBR laser diode integrated with an electroabsorption modulator has been reported. Nearly transform-limited pulses of < 6 ps are generated over a frequency range of 37.7-38.5 GHz.Show More

High capacity WDM submarine systems

C.R. Davidson

Publication Year: 2001,Page(s):WF1 - WF1
Advances in the enabling technologies for long-haul submarine systems are rapidly being transferred into commercial systems. These advances will continue to deliver massive capacity to the global telecommunications community.Show More
Technical challenges to increase spectral efficiency and channel bit rate for multiterabit transoceanic systems are discussed. Feasibility of multi-terabit transmission using VSB-RZ format with high spectral efficiency of 0.6 bit/s/Hz and 40 Gbit/s WDM long distance transmission have been reviewed.Show More
By using a signal bandwidth expansion combined with a distributed Raman amplifier and an EDFA, we have achieved WDM transmission over 7,221 km at 1.22 Tbit/s in the L-band alone. The scheme seems to be more practical because it has relatively low loss gain equalization, the shorter wavelength OSNR improvement, and effective gain tilt compensation.Show More
We present a comparison of CRZ, RZ and NRZ modulation formats in a 64 /spl times/ 12.3 Gb/s WDM transmission experiment up to 9000 km. We show that CRZ exhibits the strongest resistance to nonlinear propagation effects and is thus the most suitable format for high-capacity long-haul WDM systems.Show More