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7th Iran Wind Energy Conference (IWEC2021) - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
Wind Energy Conference (IWEC), Iran

7th Iran Wind Energy Conference (IWEC2021)

DOI: 10.1109/IWEC52400.2021

17-18 May 2021


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Wind Energy Conference (IWEC), 2021 7th Iran

Providing capability to keep wind and renewable sources connecting to the grid by Dynamic voltage restores (DVRs) during transient low-voltage and over-voltage conditions is a recommended solution. But, increasing the grid nominal voltage, the power switch stresses increase significantly. Also, the generated voltage by DVRs may contain high total harmonic components. In this regard, this research ...Show More
In this research a novel meta-heuristic algorithm called ATLBO is suggested for power systems optimization. This algorithm is applied to the combined heat and power system. company’s costs are minimized considering the constraints on consumer energy supply, gas-fired unit and the heat recovery system via this novel algorithm. The mentioned system is optimized by genetic algorithm(GA), teaching-lea...Show More
The potential for solar and wind is not the same everywhere on earth. Therefore, finding a proper site for these energy farms has a crucial effect on their performance. Although one of the most used site selection approaches in recent decades is Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), This method undergoes local scoring and un-robustness. Using MCDM methods individually may be led to improper site ...Show More
This paper investigates the ability of large scale wind farms in damping improvement of inter area oscillations in power systems. Considering the increasing penetration level of wind farms in power systems, their contribution in damping improvement of oscillations will be of great importance. The purpose of this paper is to employ the synchronverter control model for wind farms in order to enhance...Show More
The presented study evaluates and optimizes the effect of design parameters on available power for ducted wind turbines. The impact of the different design conditions on the available capacity and performance of ducted wind turbine analyzed. The wall of the duct was simulated by using the theory of designing the wind tunnels; CATIA V5 and ANSYS CFX software were used to model and analysis of the d...Show More
The use of renewable-based resources, such as wind energy, for generating electrical energy has been growing in recent years due to several reasons including free and infinite resources as well as their considerable impact on the reduction of fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emissions. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate the effect of grid-connected large-scale wind farms in a region i...Show More
Savonius rotor is considered as a class of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs), which has attracted more attention since the early 70's regarding the potential advantages such as start-up without the requirement for initial torque and simplicity in design. Despite the great influence of dynamic characteristics on start-up and stability of these rotors, as well as working in areas subjected to high...Show More
The dependence of the instantaneous generation output of wind turbines on wind speed and wind unevenness as a geographical phenomenon have made wind generators unpredictable power plants. Fluctuations in wind speed can lead to fluctuations in the power fed into the grid by the wind farm. As a result of these fluctuations, transient over voltages occur in the grid and especially in loads near the P...Show More
Among the renewable sources, wind turbines can store considerable kinetic energy in their mechanical structure. As the penetration of these turbines increases in modern grids, the stored kinetic energy will be significant. When frequency drops due to different disturbances, these wind turbine units can also discharge some amount of their kinetic energy to grid to improve the frequency profile. Win...Show More
In recent years, with the increasing of renewable energy resources and electronic systems, the scales and complexity of power system in all sections including the generative systems and distribution are being developed. Today's power networks are comprised of non-linear systems at great dimensions affected by low frequency oscillations. Such frequencies lead to the divergence of the system from ba...Show More
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) connect to onshore grids through HVDC cable. Severe grid faults mainly affect the offshore wind farms and HVDC cables. As a result, the transient response of the system deteriorates. Therefore, this paper aims for the transient analysis of line commutated current converter (LCC) based HVDC system under 3-phase fault. The paper proposes the DIgSILENT Simulation Language (...Show More
Nowadays, using renewable energy sources ignited plays an essential role in the power system grid. Although using wind energy as a renewable energy source has some benefits, such as higher performance over other renewable energy sources, it has opened new field power system protection for this power grid type. Wind power plants in a contingency situation such as short circuit fault in the power gr...Show More
Increasing efficiency in wind turbines has remained a concern in this industry. By introducing duct turbines, researchers tried to improve the power output. The INVELOX wind turbine is a new system designed to produce more energy by getting the wind from all directions, steering the wind to the Nozzle, and then turbine in the lower side to gain more velocity. In this article, by using the CFD tool...Show More
This paper presents a support vector machine (SVM)-based fault detection algorithm for islanded meshed microgrids (MGs). Considering the low level of fault current in islanded MGs, the fault detection is carried out based on the magnitude of the voltage rather than the current. Accordingly, the rms voltages of the DERs are assigned as the feature vector for fault detection SVM. Upon the occurrence...Show More
Doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) are broadly used in wind power plants owing to their benefits. However, Due to its direct connection to the grid, the DFIG is vulnerable to external disturbances. Current grid codes require DFIG to maintain its connection to the network and deliver reactive power during grid disturbances. This paper presents an enhanced fault ride-through (FRT) approach of t...Show More
In recent years, the use of renewable energy sources (RESs) has been increased due to the limited resources of fossil fuels and their environmental issues. The expansion of RESs and advances in power electronics have led to more attention being paid to DC microgrids (DCMGs). DCMGs enable the exploitation of all renewable energy potentials. Along with the advantages of RESs and DCMGs, the use of RE...Show More
The present study proposes a novel multi-criteria method utilizing type-2 fuzzy logic for decision-making. The method was applied for analyzing the potential for the development of wind power plants in Iran. Considering the various environmental conditions in the country and lack of thorough investigations, Iran was chosen as the case study. However, the method could be easily extended to apply to...Show More
Variability of renewable energy sources (RES) creates great challenges for their owners and power system operator. In recent years energy storage system is employed to mitigate the fluctuation of RESs. This paper addresses optimal decision-making of the wind-diesel-storage system in the day-ahead electricity market with a data-driven approach. The problem is formulated as MILP to maximize the prof...Show More
Optimal arrangement of turbines in wind farms is very important to achieve maximum energy at the lowest cost. In the present study, the use of Vestas V-47 wind turbine and uniform one-way wind in achieving the optimal arrangement of horizontal axis turbines in Manjil with genetic and Monte Carlo algorithms has been investigated. Jensen model is used to simulate the wake effect on the downstream tu...Show More
Today, the use of renewable energy sources is an inevitable necessity. Wind energy is one of the most important sources of renewable energy. In recent years designing and increasing the performance of wind turbine devices has been a significant effort of scientists. Savonius wind turbine is one of the vertical axis wind turbines. This type of wind turbine has some advantages such as self-starting ...Show More
The cascaded buck-boost converter (CBBC) with high power density, 98% efficiency and higher operating temperature can be considered as a suitable alternative to buck-boost converter in energy storage systems (ESSs). DC bus voltage stability in DC microgrid (DCMG) is the main factor studied in the event of an error. In this paper, a proposed virtual DC machine (VDCM) control strategy is presented. ...Show More
This paper aims to assess Bangladesh’s present wind energy scenario for electricity generation and do a techno-economic analysis of a new potential wind site in Bangladesh. The potential of five wind sites is realized by the Weibull distribution of wind velocities. Then, five commercial wind turbine models are analyzed for a chosen potential site with a view to finding out the best turbine model f...Show More
Bladeless wind turbines have been introduced as a possible candidate for future wind energy plants. Generally, rotating wind turbines occupy a large working space, while they can absorb only a small share of the wind energy. The motion of big machinery in such large working areas results in maintenance difficulties, more costs, and more risk for natural life. On the other hand, windless and oscill...Show More
Doubly-fed induction generators (DFIG) have been widely used in wind turbines installed in the last decades. These generators are prone to some faults that could deteriorate their performance and even lead to their outage from the network. Stator inter-turn short-circuits (SITSC) and high resistance connections (HRC) in the stator are two major types of faults that cause electrical asymmetry in th...Show More
Wind energy has been used for power generation for ages. However, the development of this technology happened gradually through centuries. In recent years, due to global warming and the limitation of fossil fuels, this green technology absorbed more attention. As one of the newest solutions, ALTAEROS has proposed Buoyant Airborne Turbines. Such Airborn Wind Energy systems introduce a new generatio...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Wind Energy Conference (IWEC), 2021 7th Iran