2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)

2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)

11-15 July 2016


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2016 IEEE International Conference on

Author index

Publication Year: 2016,Page(s):1 - 98

[Copyright notice]

Publication Year: 2016,Page(s):1 - 1

[Front cover]

Publication Year: 2016,Page(s):1 - 1
Cinematic virtual reality (VR) aims to provide immersive visual experiences of real-world scenes on head-mounted displays. Current cinematic VR systems employ omnidirectional stereo videos from a fixed position, and therefore do not address head-motion parallax, which is an important cue for depth perception. We propose a new 3D video representation, referred to as depth augmented stereo panorama ...Show More
With the rapid growth of streaming media applications, there has been a strong demand of objective models that can predict end users' quality-of-experience (QoE) when watching the video being streamed to their display devices. Existing methods typically use bitrate and global statistics of stalling events as the QoE indicators. This is problematic for two reasons. First, using the same bitrate to ...Show More
We propose a promising method of geometric verification to improve the precision of Bag-of-Words (BoW) model in image retrieval. Most previous methods focus on the positions of interest points or the absolute differences of regions' scales and angles. In contrast, our method, named Region Similarity Arrangement (RSA), exploits the spatial arrangement of interest regions. For each image, RSA constr...Show More
With the rapid development and reduced cost of digital video capturing devices, driving video recorders (DVRs) begin to gain widespread popularity. What is seen and what happens along the way can thus be recorded in videos. However, searching for a specific scene or event among such massive video collections is laborious and tedious. In this paper, we develop a speed-adaptive street view image gen...Show More
Large age range is a serious obstacle for automatic face recognition. Although many promising results have been reported, it still remains a challenging problem due to significant intra-class variations caused by the aging process. In this paper, we mainly focus on finding an expressive age-invariant feature such that it is robust to intra-personal variance and discriminative to different subjects...Show More
In this work, an accurate solar irradiance now-casting system is presented. The proposed system utilizes information from all-sky images to complement insufficient temporal and spatial resolution of satellite images and help improve prediction accuracy. Based on the history irradiance and the all-sky image features, irradiance are predicted ten to fifteen minutes ahead to allow Photovoltaics opera...Show More
The latest High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard significantly improves coding efficiency over H.264/AVC, at the cost of heavy encoding and decoding complexity. For reducing HEVC decoding complexity to a target, we propose in this paper a Subjective-Quality-Optimized Complexity Control (SQOCC) approach, which optimizes subjective quality loss caused by the decoding complexity reduction. Fir...Show More
3D printing has become an important and prevalent tool. Image-based modeling is a popular way to acquire 3D models for further editing and printing. However, exiting tools are often not robust enough for users to obtain the 3D models they want. The constructed models are often incomplete, disjoint and noisy. This paper proposes a robust automatic method for segmenting an object out of the backgrou...Show More
In this paper, we concentrate on a challenging problem - image parsing trained on images with weakly supervised information, i.e., image-level labels. Image-level labels are ambiguous and difficult for training. Typically, an affinity graph of superpixels is constructed to provide additional information about labels of the target superpixel. However, existing work constructs affinity graph in a na...Show More
In this paper, we propose a novel feature guided Gaussian mixture model (FG-GMM) for image matching, which typically requires matching two sets of feature points extracted from the given images. We formulate the problem as estimation of a feature guided mixture of densities: a GMM is fitted to one point set, such that both the centers and local features of the Gaussian densities are constrained to...Show More
In this paper, we present a soundtrack generation system that can automatically add a soundtrack with the length and climax points aligned to those of a video clip. Adding a soundtrack to a video clip is an important process in video editing. Editors tend to add chorus sections to the climax points of the video clip by replacing and concatenating musical segments. However, this process is time-con...Show More
Person re-identification refers to match the same pedestrian across disjoint views in non-overlapping camera networks. Lots of local and global features in the literature are put forward to solve the matching problem, where color feature is robust to viewpoint variance and gradient feature provides a rich representation robust to illumination change. However, how to effectively combine the color a...Show More
As the popularity of mobile video streaming services has been increasing rapidly, mobile network operators are faced with big challenges how to guarantee the quality of video streaming services especially in the wireless mobile network. In this paper, we were focused on the real-time live streaming services in LTE network which has fluctuated radio environment that requires special treatments for ...Show More
The prevalence of real time multimedia delivery appliances has led to the developments of a variety of efficient architectures and supporting software technologies. Especially, Ray-Tracing, a well-known physically-based rendering algorithm, has been receiving great attention in research and development. Unfortunately, Ray-Tracing algorithm, being one of the irregular applications, suffers from the...Show More
People increasingly use their mobile phones and mobile data to access different media types, including video. Due to mobile phone limitations, but also due to the scarce bandwidth on mobile networks, video content is often adapted to fit with these requirements by reducing its quality. In this study we look into how the user preference for a certain multimedia content (e.g. video, audio, text and ...Show More
Stereoscopic image retargeting techniques aim to flexibly display 3D images with different aspect ratios and simultaneously preserve salient regions and comfortable depth perception. Various stereoscopic image retargeting techniques have been proposed recently. However, there is still no effective objective metric for visual quality assessment of retargeted stereoscopic images. In this paper, we b...Show More
This paper proposes a biologically-inspired low-level spatiochromatic-model-based similarity method (BLeSS) to assist full-reference image-quality estimators that originally oversimplify color perception processes. More specifically, the spatiochromatic model is based on spatial frequency, spatial orientation, and surround contrast effects. The assistant similarity method is used to complement ima...Show More
Visual tracking plays a fundamental role in many applications, such as video surveillance, image compression and three-dimensional reconstruction. From the perspective of accuracy and complexity, correlation filter for target tracking has been proved to be one of the most efficient algorithms. However, it suffers from some difficulties when tracking complex objects with rotations, occlusions and o...Show More
For low bit rate scenarios (video conferencing, aerial surveillance), conventional video coding is unable to meet the small bit rate and high quality requirements. In contrast to that Region of Interest (ROI) coding provides an efficient compression by improving the quality of ROIs at the expense of non-ROIs. We also transmit ROI only, but reconstruct non-ROI from already transmitted content by me...Show More
In this paper, we develop a dynamic mode decomposition algorithm that is robust to both inlier and outlier noise in the data. One application of our algorithm is the identification of multiple crowd or traffic flows from compressed video streams. Our method uses motion vectors that are readily available in the compressed bitstream, and do not require computationally expensive optical flow. These m...Show More
In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm of Generalized Joint Distribution Adaptation (G-JDA) for heterogeneous domain adaptation (HDA), which associates and recognizes cross-domain data observed in different feature spaces (and thus with different dimensionality). With the objective to derive a domain-invariant feature subspace for relating source and target-domain data, our G-JDA learns a pai...Show More
Fourier ptychography (FP) is recently proposed as a computational imaging technique, which aims at enhancing the space-bandwidth product (SBP) of the optical imaging system. Specifically, the FP recovery routine iteratively stitches together a number of low-resolution images, which are captured under angularly varying illumination, to produce a wide-field, high-resolution image. However, the recon...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2016 IEEE International Conference on