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1998 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX140) - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices

1998 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX140)

DOI: 10.1109/COMMAD.1998

14-16 Dec. 1998

1998 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX140)

Publication Year: 1998,Page:i

1998 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices. Proceedings (Cat. No.98EX140)

The present paper reports two recent independently confirmed results for silicon solar cell efficiency. An improved efficiency for an individual silicon cell of 24.5% is reported, the highest ever, as is 19.8% efficiency for a multicrystalline silicon cell, the latter representing a 6.5% relative improvement over the previously best result. Not only does the latter result for this relatively low q...Show More
In this paper new insights in the relationship between the statistics and the mechanisms of intrinsic oxide breakdown for ultra thin oxides between 12 nm and 2 nm are discussed. It is shown that the statistical spread of the intrinsic TDDB-distribution, which is quantified by the slope of the Weibull distribution /spl beta/, depends on the oxide thickness. A large increase in the spread on the dis...Show More
This invited paper first reviews the recent advances in the area of photodetectors and optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) receivers for the preferred 1.55 /spl mu/m light-wave fiber-optic communication links. The m-s-m (metal-semiconductor-metal) and the p-i-n photodetectors are based on lattice-matched InGaAs photoabsorption layers on semi-insulating InP substrates, and the receiver integra...Show More

HgCdTe infrared detectors and focal plane arrays

J. Bajaj

Publication Year: 1998,Page(s):23 - 31
Cited by: Papers (6)
Recent advances in the areas of Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe) material growth, detector array fabrication and Read Out Integrated Circuit (ROIC) design and fabrication have led to the demonstration of high resolution, low noise and large format reliable hybrid Infrared Focal Plane Arrays (IRFPAs). MBE HgCdTe based p-on-n planar heterostructure device fabrication has emerged as a viable techno...Show More
We report on the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of mid-infrared InAsSb multistage emitters using a high speed rotating disk reactor. The devices contain AlAsSb claddings and strained InAsSb active regions. These emitters have multistage, type I, InAsSb/InAsP quantum well active regions. A semi-metal GaAsSb/InAs layer acts as an internal electron source for the multistage injection...Show More
Ultrafast optoelectronic devices are crucial for fulfilling the future requirement of network throughput to enter the 1 Tb/s to 10 Tb/s range. A variety of ultrafast phenomena in InP-based semiconductors are attractive for developing such new optoelectronic devices. This paper discusses the requirements of ultrafast optical communication and signal-processing systems and devices necessary for them...Show More
SOI technologies are reviewed in terms of wafer fabrication, device properties, and development challenges. The basic SOI assets for the microelectronics future are discussed and compared to those of bulk-silicon technology. There are two types of SOI MOSFETs-fully-depleted and partially-depleted-each governed by special mechanisms which will be briefly addressed.Show More
The introduction of III-V semiconductor technology in the field of micromechanics allowed the development of novel electronic and optoelectronic devices, in particular comprising actuator and sensor applications. In this work we report on InP-based micromachined Fabry-Perot microcavity structures for use as tunable optical filter application in telecommunication systems operating in the 1.55 /spl ...Show More
In this paper, the waveguide type and vertical type electro-absorptive diffused-quantum-well modulators will be reviewed. The contributions of interdiffusion of the quantum wells, which act as the active region of the modulator, to the performance of the modulator in terms of the operating wavelength, optical properties and the modulation strength. For waveguide type optical devices, the polarizat...Show More
In this paper we review the electrical properties of semiconducting layers based on metal oxide thin films used for monitoring environmental gases and examine some innovative technique to increase the sensor selectivity towards particular gases (pulsed temperature, use of UV irradiation). The sensing layers are deposited onto a micromachined silicon substrate, which is characterized by low power c...Show More
The benefit provided by optoelectronic applications of gallium nitride is immeasurable and, contrary to electronics applications, it provides an unique solution not merely a better one. This is because of the wide range of tunable and direct band gaps available in the (Al,Ga,In)N family from the deep UV (AlN; 6.2 eV) to values commensurate with metals when including the mixed arsenide nitride syst...Show More

With SiGe, who needs GaAs?

T.H. Ning

Publication Year: 1998,Page:80
Summary form only given. With SiGe-based bipolar transistors making rapid inroads into high-frequency small-signal and analog applications, there is the question of whether they will permanently displace GaAs or other compound-semiconductor heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). Often the attempts to answer this question have raised more questions because they were based on apple-to-orange com...Show More
Recent progress in the development of compact models for high-speed bipolar transistors with quasi-ballistic base widths (on the order of a mean-free path length) is summarized. The correctness of basing such models on the drift-diffusion equation is examined by comparing results with solutions to the Boltzmann transport equation. Useful and well-founded compact expressions are presented for impor...Show More
The recent developments in the II-VI heterostructure materials and devices for infrared imaging applications, with particular emphasize on molecular beam epitaxy and fabrication of double layer planar heterostructure devices are discussed. Quality of the CdTe layers grown on different substrate orientations are compared. The HgCdTe grown on CdTe/Si is shown to be comparable to that of HgCdTe/CdZnT...Show More
Photocurrent multiplication in amorphous SiC:H/amorphous Si:H/crystalline Si heterojunction photodiodes was studied, which were fabricated on n-type crystalline Si substrates with different resistivities using an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system. Photocurrent multiplication was observed only in the sample of resistivity of 0.4 /spl Omega//sp...Show More
The minimum V/III flux ratios for stoichiometric growth of In/sub 0.4/Ga/sub 0.6/As on GaAs have been measured from 250 to 500/spl deg/C. It is found that atomic hydrogen interacts strongly with surface As above a threshold temperature of about 300/spl deg/C and the maintenance of stoichiometric growth above these temperatures requires a significant increase in the As flux to the growth surface.Show More
Investigation of the morphology of buried and unburied In/sub x/Ga/sub 1-x/As/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) has been carried out using cross-section transmission microscopy and the [001] on-zone bright-field technique with image simulation. The study shows that both the buried and unburied QDs are lens-shaped.Show More
This paper presents computations showing the effect of excitonic transitions in reducing the threshold current density J/sub th/ in the presence of a large dislocation density in InGaN-AlGaN quantum wire and dot lasers. The effect of reduction in lateral and transverse dimensions on the threshold current density is also shown. A comparison of the computed values of J/sub th/ for quantum wire and d...
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Due to an increased interest in the large scale production of GaN-based devices we have used our AIXTRON single wafer horizontal tube and Multiwafer Planetary(R) MOVPE systems for the fabrication of GaN/InGaN/GaN heterostructures, multiquantum well structures and LEDs. The AM 2000HT was set up in a configuration of 7/spl times/2 inch which provides unique uniformity capabilities due to the two fol...Show More
It is known that birefringence and astigmatism are responsible for lifting the frequency and polarization degeneracy of transverse modes in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). We report on observation of "cooperative frequency locking" of nearly degenerate TEM/sub 01/ and TEM/sub 10/ modes of a VCSEL. For a certain range of injection currents two modes become cooperatively frequency ...Show More
The series resistance of InGaAsP/InP Multiple Quantum Well ridge waveguide laser diodes is investigated experimentally over a wide temperature range for both Fabry-Perot and Distributed Feedback type lasers. From the temperature dependence of the series resistance is found that it is defined mostly by the resistance of heterobarriers, although the semiconductor bulk resistance is also found to be ...Show More
Recent progress in the field of infrared photodetectors operating in the 3-16 /spl mu/m spectral range at near room-temperatures (200-300 K) is reported. The fundamental limits to performance of the devices are imposed by the statistical nature of thermal generation-recombination processes and related noise. The figure of merit of a material for photodetectors is the ratio of absorption coefficien...Show More
Thermal interdiffusion is used to shift peak response wavelength of the quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIP). A maximum of 0.7 /spl mu/m red-shift for 900/spl deg/C annealed devices compared with as-grown one has been obtained. Error function potential profile is used to calculate the intermixing process. The large red shift is attributed to Si-dopant enhanced intermixing. Both the dark cur...Show More
An optically pumped far-infrared (FIR) intersubband laser generator is proposed in which the continuum states above an Al/sub 0.2/Ga/sub 0.8/As-GaAs-Al/sub 0.2/Ga/sub 0.8/As single quantum well structure with a well width of L=170 /spl Aring/ serve as the highest level in a four-level laser system. This simple structure has been designed to take advantage of the electro-phonon resonance (EPR) effe...Show More