2010 International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI) - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI)

2010 International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI)

27-29 Dec. 2010


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI), 2010 International Conference on

[Front and back cover]

Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):c1 - c4

[Front matter]

Publication Year: 2010,Page(s):1 - 16
In this paper, we derive the closed form expression for the Probability of collision in an independent two transmitter scenario. Our approach to the problem is different starting from the fundamentals. Our analysis involves the discrete as well as the continuous time domain problem formulations. The two transmitter case gives a two dimensional sample space. As the time window is increasing compare...Show More
Development of schedulers for real-time embedded systems is an emerging area of research as it addresses unsolved scheduling issues like co-operative scheduling, pre-emptive scheduling, micro-kernel based scheduling, etc. Use of statistical schedulers over deterministic schedulers offers the advantage of improved bandwidth utilization, better timeliness and resource management, higher throughput a...Show More
Multimedia applications present new challenges to the current networking technology. One of them is Quality of Service (QoS) requirement. Due to the increasing dynamics of traffic introduced by multimedia applications, dynamic and flexible QoS (Quality of Service) control is needed to ensure both QoS satisfaction and resource efficiency. Because integrated service networks are designed to support ...Show More
Making high quality and improving productivity has become increasingly critical role in industry and has been the focus of study by the researchers. From a practical perspective, how to measure quality and productivity suitably is important for a firm to determine whether the desired target is achieved. Measuring quality and productivity improvement in an appropriate way has received widespread at...Show More
The nucleotide usage patterns vary not only from organism to organism, but also between genes in the same genome. Each genome has its own characteristics. This unique identity, called genome signature, of a genome is multidimensional. One of the ways to probe into this area is to analyze the nucleotide sequence composition of the genome. In this paper, the nucleotide compositional structure of SAR...Show More
In this paper we propose a QoS model for wireless ad hoc networks. Unlike other models it provides stochastic end to end delay guarantees using a routing protocol called GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) protocol. After the routing is over, i.e. network flow is identified; the packets transmission is done through CTMAC (Concurrent Transmission MAC) protocol with fragmentation. The packets ...Show More
In this paper, numerical algorithms for solving “Fuzzy ordinary differential equations” are considered. A scheme based on the Modified Euler's method is discussed in detail and this is followed by a complete error analysis. Mathematics Subject Classification: 34A12; 65L05.Show More
In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes that are close to one another may need to have exclusive access to a shared resource, which means that only one node can access the resource at the same time. This mutual exclusion algorithm requires nodes to communicate with only their current neighbors, this paper provides a solution to this problem and it is an extension to mobile networks of the dining philoso...Show More
The Mobile Agent technology is emerging as an alternative to build a smart generation of highly distributed systems. This work implements the agent -based technologies for Centralized Exam Assessment Apportion, to investigate the performance and security issues. This paper presents a comparative performance evaluation model of Mobile Agents versus traditional computing paradigms. The model propose...Show More
An energy-efficient grid based geographic routing scheme for wireless ad hoc networks is presented in this paper. The proposal presented here does not rely on location information. The dependency on global location information limits location aided flooding's usefulness. In addition, geographic proximity does not always lead to network connectivity. The traditional location aided flooding make ver...Show More
A machine vision system based on ANN for identification of defects occurred in transistor fabrication is presented in this paper. The developed intelligent system can identify commonly occurring errors in the transistor fabrication. The developed machine vision and ANN module is compared with the commercial MATLAB® software and found results were satisfactory. This work is broadly divided into fou...Show More
Data mining is the process of extracting hidden information from the database. Data mining is emerging as one of the key features of many business organizations. The current trend in business collaboration shares the data and mined results to gain mutual benefit. The problem of privacy-preserving data mining has become more important in recent years because of the increasing ability to store perso...Show More
The computation of optical flow in video sequences is a challenging task in most camera based scene interpretation systems. In the past, most optical flow computation algorithms has been either implemented in software running on general purpose processors or designed as an application specific hardware. However, these implementations either cannot support real-time processing requirements or resul...Show More
This paper deals with the problem of data transfer that incurs the congestion and resource allocation problems in between server and client. There are several modes of algorithms and approaches to solve this. But they are intended to face the problem in case of a client accessing the server for long time and the resource is to be in blocked stage for quite period. In this technique they are set a ...Show More
Peer-to-Peer overlay systems offer a substrate for the construction of large scale and distributed applications. The Peer-to-Peer technique is differentiated in to two major forms, Structured P2P and Unstructured P2P. In structured peer-to-peer networks, connections in the overlay are fixed. They typically use distributed hash table-based (DHT) indexing, such as in the Chord system. Unstructured p...Show More
The main theme of this paper is to find the performance of the Hub, Switch, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology using the Queueing Petri-net model and the Markov model with applying of RSA. This paper mainly focuses on comparison of M/M/1 AND M/M(a,b)/1 using matlab to find performance on wired and wireless technologies in terms of service rate, arrival rate, Expected waiting time and Busy period. When...Show More
Optimal broadcasting in mobile ad hoc networks is crucial for providing control and routing information for multicast and point to point communication algorithms. This paper presents static and dynamic cluster broadcasting for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. The static cluster (cluster based source-independent CDS) consists fixed cluster heads and gateways. The dynamic cluster (cluster based source-depend...Show More
Parallel and distributed systems enable large number of applications to benefit from a number of computationally powerful cores across networked computers. This paper brings forth a proposed idea to develop a “FTP engine” which is capable of uploading, downloading and deleting files in a parallel manner, utilizing all the available processors in a multiprocessor or a multicore environment. The FTP...Show More
Intelligent transportation system (ITS) emerging technology is Vanet. There are basically two approaches of communication in vanet first between vehicle to vehicle and between vehicle to Roadside access point(RSAP). Each vehicle is connected to other by dedicated short range communications (DSRC). VANET also have some disadvantage such as broadcast storm problem. This problem should be solved to m...Show More
Variable power wireless sensor networks are prevalent and cost-effective. In existing system EAR (efficient and reliable routing protocol) is implemented over fixed power sensor network. Approach of EAR improves the packet delivery ratio and reducing the energy consumption in fixed power sensor network. This work extends the same work to the platform of variable power sensor networks. We propose a...Show More
Ultra-wideband (UWB) microstrip bandpass filters with wide passband and miniaturized size are presented. The proposed filters are designed to provide a wide passband, low insertion loss and return loss, linear phase over the passband, flat group delay and high fractional bandwidth. A modified multiple-mode resonator is formed by transversely attaching three pairs of non-uniform and folded stubs. B...Show More
The paper investigates the feasibility of the latest CMOS technology for the design and analysis of the emerging 60-GHz wireless applications. Recent developments in millimeter-wave CMOS systems have begun to address the integration of building blocks to form transceivers. With the availability of 7 GHz of unlicensed spectrum around 60 GHz, there is growing interest for new consumer applications r...Show More
With congested wireless spectrum and increasing number of users, cognitive radio serve as a panacea for efficient spectrum utilization. This stands to substantiate the amount of research happening in this area. Spectrum sensing is indubitably a key functionality in cognitive radio, which helps determining the spectral holes and white spaces for the secondary users to communicate. In this paper, th...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Communication and Computational Intelligence (INCOCCI), 2010 International Conference on