2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security - Conference Table of Contents | IEEE Xplore
International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS)

2009 Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security

DOI: 10.1109/ias16178.2009

18-20 Aug. 2009


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Information Assurance and Security (IAS), 2009 Fifth International Conference on

[Front cover - Vol 2]

Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):C1 - C1

[Title page i - Volume 2]

Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):i - i

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Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):iii - iii

[Title page iii - Volume 2]

[Copyright notice - Volume 2]

Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):iv - iv

[Copyright notice - Volume 2]

Table of contents - Volume 2

Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):v - xvi

Table of contents - Volume 2

Outlier detection is a hot topic of data mining. After studying the existing classical algorithm of detecting outliers, this paper proposes a new algorithm for outlier detection based on offset, and makes a new definition for outlier. This detection algorithm is a method based on clustering analysis. It includes cluster modeling and data detection. Also, the clustering result obtained together wit...Show More
To determine the choice of information security solutions, the method based on entropy weight was given to compute the weights of indexes of the solutions. And then, the weights were used to evaluate the solutions by multi-attributes decision and ideal indexes method. The gray situation decision-making was introduced for solutions decision, and entropy weights were also used with gray solution dec...Show More
A new three-party quantum secure direct communication protocol with authentication is proposed. The advantage of the scheme is that through authentication one can confirm the sender's legitimate identity, partially entangled states used as information carrier are easy to prepare and store, there is no need to transmit quantum states with secret message in quantum channel and two users can simultan...Show More
Active shape model (ASM) is an efficient method for locating face feature points. When the face poses vary largely, it is difficult for the two-dimension (2D) transformation shape search method in previous works to cope with this kind of nonlinear shape variations. We propose a novel shape search method of the three-dimension (3D) transformation; and the variation of the face pose can simulated by...Show More
Temporal logics of knowledge are useful for reasoning about situations where we require both dynamic aspects and informational aspects relating to knowledge. So, the application of temporal logics of knowledge is investigated to the specification and verification the properties of TLS protocol. Two main properties of TLS are given out. And the definitions and lemmas for the proof of these properti...Show More
Since KASUMI algorithm is forbidden to use commercially in China, a new f8 keystream generator is presented by using SMS4 as core algorithm in this paper. Then the new f8 is implemented in software to produce 100 groups 20000-bit keystreams with different cipher keys. Later, FIPS 140-2 is applied to these keystreams to test randomness. Based on the data obtained, six figures are drawn to specify t...Show More
The measurement principle and sensor structure of a new-style time-difference method ultrasonic flow meter are presented. Software waveform analyses arithmetic based on FPGA and a bran-new echo datum mark position criterion are put forward. Exact measurement time can be helpful for improving system precision. In the end, realization project is simply described.Show More
A common misconception concerning Insider Threat is that the information infrastructure is at considerable risk from technical issues. In fact, Insider Threat is a multidisciplinary concept across many different fields, including personnel security, environment security and technology security. All aspects regarding Insider Threat must be addressed in a well-structured and holistic manner, failure...Show More
First we revisit three (BGLS, MBGLS and GZZ) verifiably encrypted signature schemes. We find that they are all not strong unforgeable. We remark that the notion of existential unforgeable is not sufficient for fair exchange protocols in most circumstances. So we propose three new (NBGLS, MBGLS and NGZZ) verifiably encrypted signature schemes which are strong unforgeable. Also we reconsider other t...Show More
To protect hard disk data confidentiality and integrity, AEIVV associates one unique IV with each disk sector; then, it applies authenticated encryption of AES-CCM to the protected sector and constructs hash tree upon IV storage. Through assuring IV to be trusted or un-tampered, data can be protected firmly. To make it an available way for disk protection, various optimizing measures are applied t...Show More
Mobile code can be considered composing of functions. Sander et al implemented non-interactive evaluation of encrypted functions(non-interactive EEF) based on homomorphism. But their scheme is limited to encrypting polynomials in positive integer domain. There is no homomorphism that can securely implement non-interactive evaluation of encrypted elementary functions (non-interactive EEEF) in real ...Show More
Murakami and Nasako proposed a knapsack public key cryptosystem in 2008. They claimed that their proposal is secure against some known attacks. In this paper, we propose a cryptanalytic attack on the cryptosystem. We use a heuristic method to show that the secret key can be recovered with lattice reduction algorithms. Hence, their construction is insecure.Show More
A new knapsack type public key cryptosystem is proposed by constructing an easy knapsack problem. The cryptosystem is shown to be secure against Shamir's key recovery attack in that it does not use a super-increasing knapsack sequence in the construction process. The cryptosystem is also invulnerable to low density attack in that it obtains a relatively high density. It is shown that the cryptosys...Show More

Forward-Secure Certificate-Based Encryption

Yang Lu;Jiguo Li

Publication Year: 2009,Page(s):57 - 60
Cited by: Papers (2)
Certificate-based encryption (CBE) is a new paradigm which overcomes the shortcomings of traditional public-key encryption (PKE) and identity based encryption (IBE). CBE provides an efficient implicit certificate mechanism to eliminate third-party queries for the certificate status and to simplify the certificate revocation problem in traditional PKI. Therefore, CBE can be used to construct an eff...Show More
We present a new method for image encryption with discrete factional cosine transform (DFrCT) and chaos. DFrCT holds the particular properties which the conventional discrete cosine transform (DCT) hasnpsilat, that is its fraction. Chaos functions have extreme sensitivity to the initial conditions. Logistic map is a simple equation of chaos functions. XOR is first operated between the original ima...Show More
Certificateless PKC and self-certified PKC are two new public key systems. They remove the necessity of certificate to ensure the authentication of the user's public key in CB-PKC and also overcome the inherent key escrow problem in IB-PKC. Recently, Zhang et.al proposed a self-certified signcryption scheme, and Wu et.al gave a certificateless signcryption scheme. However, in this paper, we analyz...Show More
A novel MDC algorithm based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the set partition in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) is proposed in this paper. Different from the commonly used DCT algorithm, all the transformed coefficients are reshaped into the wavelet decomposition structure to facilitate the use of the SPIHT algorithm. Then the direction-based information is used to form the three different chan...Show More
This paper presents a speech information-hiding scheme that is integrated with the CELP (Coded Exited Linear Prediction) speech coding method. The G.729 codec (CS-ACELP) is used to test the efficiency of this scheme. The index-constrained method is applied for the secret information embedding. The selected bits of first-stage and residual vector indices during the Predictive Two-stage Vector Quant...Show More


The proceedings of this conference will be available for purchase through Curran Associates.

Information Assurance and Security (IAS), 2009 Fifth International Conference on