I. Introduction
Assembling is a process where the independent and separate units will be reorganized and combined into an ordered structure. By assembling, the monotonous units can always change into a complex structure with better performance or richer features which make it become an essential fabrication process, especially at micro/nano scale. For instance, Draper et al. [1] achieved the control of photoconductivity in perylene bisimides by pH-directed self-assembling, VahidMohammadi et al. [2] manufacture the high-power and energy-density pseudocapacitive electrodes by assembling 2-D MXenes, Lin et al. [3] adopt the 2-D/3-D stacking assembling to improve the thermal stability in perovskite solar cells. Besides that, there are also many assembled microstructures applied in biomimetics and tissue engineering [4]–[7].