I. Introduction
The digital transmission is the most preferred form in today's communication system because of its better signal integrity in the presence of noise [1]. The efficiency of transmission demands high speed, low chip area and low power [2] analog to digital converter (ADC) in order to maintain lifetime of battery powered devices [3]. In flash ADC, the comparator requirement are exponentially related to resolution which results in more hardware area and high power dissipation [4]. Hence, in the interest of minimizing chip area and power consumption, flash ADC is not preferred for higher resolution and eventually gave path to successive approximation register (SAR) ADC [5] wherein one comparator is used resulting in reduced chip area and less power dissipation at the cost of reduced speed [6]–[7]. Later the requirement of both high speed and low power was achieved by yet another entrant defined by the name binary search (BS) ADC that adopt the advantage of both flash and SAR ADC architectures.