I. Introduction
To probe individual scattering mechanisms in the inversion layers of MOSFETs, Matthiessen's rule may be favored because of its additive property of reciprocal mobility components. As pointed out earlier by Stern [1], however, there will be errors of more than 15% due to the use of Matthiessen's rule for temperatures over 40 K. Since then, there have been four fundamentally different methods published in the literature concerning the validity and applicability of Matthiessen's rule [2]–[7]. First, Matthiessen's rule must be carried out under extreme or impractical conditions such as very low temperatures (near absolute zero) [2]. Second, sophisticated numerical simulations on individual mobility components were instead used, with no need to account for Matthiessen's rule [3]. Third, for the engineering purpose, the errors caused by Matthiessen's rule were overlooked while assessing mobility components individually [4], [5]. Fourth, mobility simulations were performed to deliver the errors of the mobility components extracted using the rule, with [6] and without [3], [7] the inclusion of ionized impurity Coulomb scattering.