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In this paper, we represented a detailed survey of various types of Noise and its applications. Image processing is a field of study and research where we process raw images with the help of various functions or the input can be any parameter of the picture that we need to process. Noise as we all know as Unwanted Signal is responsible for Degradation of pictures in terms of Quality and Detailing....Show More
Noise in an image is caused due to various reasons. Removal of noise in an efficient way is a big challenge for researchers. In this paper, one dimensional signal denoising based on weighted regularized least square method is mapped to two dimensional image denoising. The proposed technique of image denoising based on least square is experimented on standard images sub-jected to different noises w...Show More
Processing of an Image is done by computing algorithms and efficient program by applying various concepts on digital images. In digital image processing each pixel value of an image is related to some signal value. During processing of an Image there are some changes in actual value of signal due to devices, weather conditions, etc. These changes led to the noise in image which is somewhat signal ...Show More
Image denoising is a key issue in all image processing researches. It is the first preprocessing step in dealing with image processing where the overall system quality should be improved. Generally, the quality of an image could be corrupted by a lot of noise due to the undesired conditions of image acquisition phase or during the transmission. The great challenge of image denoising is how to pres...Show More
Pixels of the digital images has been corrupted by noises came out of faulty communication channel or nonlinear sensors. Such noise models can be either Salt & pepper noise (impulse noise) or Gaussian noise. Sometimes both of the noises corrupt the same image; such combination of two noise model is called as mixed noise. These noises can be removed by using image filtering algorithms. The most pop...Show More
The quality of image usually depends on various factors including noise, light, and temperature. Noise has a decisive role in the image as it is constantly present in different digital images. Noise implication may present during the image coding, transmission and development process. Noise removal has become an eye-catching and dynamic field in the Image processing domain. There is a significant ...Show More
Noise is an important factor in image quality of TGS In according to the Neighborhood Homogeneous Measurement (NHM) was proposed to process the salt-pepper noise of TGS image system which avoided the shortcomings of traditional median filtering algorithm and improved median filtering algorithm. A cross noise measurement window was designed in adaptive median filtering algorithm to adjust the domai...Show More
Noise removal is the vital need of every image processing tasks like segmentation, classification, object detection, etc. The SaP (Salt-and-Pepper) noise is projected by the highest and lowest intensity values. Many denoising methods are designed in the literature study to effectively remove the salt and pepper noise. This paper assesses image denoising to explore the positive and negative issues ...Show More
Gaussian noise is additive in nature. When it is introduced in image, it added to the original image and corrupts it, as a result noisy image is obtained. Introduction of noise leads to the loss of information which was possessed in original image. In this paper spatio-spectral total variation technique has been used to reduce the effect of Gaussian noise from two dimensional images. The experimen...Show More
Image technology often uses in our everyday life. It is useful for many applications such as telecommunication system, automation system in self-driving vehicles, surveillance system and medical research area. However, the image can be interrupted by noise from the environment or electric signal that distorts the detail of the image. In recent years, there had been many image denoising algorithms....Show More
We introduce a new method of noise suppression using fully convolutional neural networks for salt and pepper noise. We adopt a well-known residual learning framework to get convergence faster in the training phase than conventional learning. Based on experimental results, our proposed method can outperform the state-of-the-arts method at most levels of noise contamination. In addition, our method ...Show More
In this paper, we have studied denoising of facial images using non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraint. We have considered gaussian noise with zero mean and salt-pepper noise for our study. This type of noise partakes during image acquisition and are additive in nature. Here, we have also seen how this algorithm is able to compress the database and the possible areas to use t...Show More
Mammogram plays a vital role on cancer detection in the breast. Computerized processing enhances readability of digital mammogram. Impulse noise is one of the major noise which affects mammogram. Duo-median filter is anticipated to removes high density impulse noise. The projected filter checks for impulse noise and replace the pixel value by median of 2x2 neighboring pixel value. Results of propo...Show More
This paper suggested new systematic analysis of faces images detection and recognition. The paper combined two methods for face detection and recognition to achieve better detection rates in noisy environment. The two methods are the eigenface method and the neural networks. In first module, the eigenface model is used to detect the features of different faces. In second module, the back propagati...Show More
Image noise is a random shift in the brightness or color information in images, and it is sometimes confused with electrical noise. It is an unwanted by-product of image capture that obscures the information that should be seen. De-noising contaminated images through the use of essential image processing technologies in various methods, resulting in the retrieval of lost information to improve and...Show More
In this paper, a new method for impulsive noise reduction and edge preservation in images is presented. Images of different characteristics corrupted with a wide range of impulsive noise densities using two impulsive noise models are examined using the proposed method. In the detection stage of the method, two conditions have to be met to determine whether an image pixel is noisy or not. Two prede...Show More
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a method for analyses and to capture dynamic patterns of process occurring in the brain of a human being. The fMRI measurement is based on the tissue parameters and physics behind MRI. fMRI produce highly dimensional, sparse and noise in data which are crucial to envision, analyse and monitor. The method of smoothing by spatial domain is frequently u...Show More
Noise removal is an important procedure before ongoing further image processing. In this paper, a two-stage adaptive noise removal scheme is proposed. The first stage of the scheme is noise detection; the second stage is functional level evolution based noise cancellation. This cancellation only operates on the noise candidates detected in the first stage. Additionally, the proposed method acquire...Show More
The information content in an image can experience a decrease in quality due to noises. Accordingly, noise removal and histogram equalization (HE) are among the processes used to enhance image quality. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of changes in image quality as a result of applying median filtering (MF), Wiener filtering (WF), HE, or hybrid methods on noisy images. Here,...Show More
Elimination of highly densified salt and pepper noise from digital images is an exigent business in image processing domain. Numerous state-of-art filters have shown judicious outcomes at low and average noise concentrations. In this paper a nearest vicinity guided two-step impulse noise filter (NVGINF) is proposed. The detection phase segregates the un-corrupted pixels by neglecting the ‘0’ (pepp...Show More
Image corruption is a common phenomenon which occurs due to electromagnetic interference, and electric signal instabilities in a system. In this letter, a novel multi procedure Min-Max Average Pooling based Filter is proposed for removal of salt, and pepper noise that betide during transmission. The first procedure functions as a pre-processing step that activates for images with low noise corrupt...Show More
Images can be enhanced and denoised with the help of filters. In this paper, we use a Gaussian filter, a Median Filter and a Denoising Auto encoder for noise removal. Gaussian filter is a linear type of filter which is based on Gaussian function. But the median filter is a non-linear type of filter. It preserves edge while removing noise. Deep Convolutional neural network (CNN) is able to handle G...Show More
Laser image often mixes with salt and pepper noise when obtained and transmitted by image sensor. The salt and pepper noise not only makes the quality of laser image deteriorated but also causes the detail feature of laser image flooded which contains very important structure information. To remove salt and pepper noise effectively meanwhile ensure image details clear and completed, a Novel Adapti...Show More
In this paper, we study Alzheimer’s disease, noise in MRI, the Median filter and state of the art in this domain. The disease of the century, Alzheimer’s disease, which characterized the loss of various abilities such: cognitive, thinking, remembering, reasoning and behavioral. One of the tools to recognize an early detection of Alzheimer’s disease is medical imaging and the most utilized is the M...Show More
This paper presents a comparison between moment and non-moment based techniques in image reconstruction. The moment based technique used is Zernike Moments (ZMs) while Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is the non-moment based technique. Considering the inverse process of these two techniques will allow the reconstruction of the image. Two types of images are considered namely gray scales and binary and...Show More