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IEEE Xplore Search Results

Showing 1-25 of 6,003 resultsfor


Electrical quality assurance (ELQA) of the superconducting electrical circuits in the LHC requires an advanced test equipment accompanied by the dedicated software, data storage system, and analysis toolset. In 2007, the measurement system was built to carry out the Test Procedure 4 (TP4), namely the qualification of the whole superconducting circuits in terms of instrumentation routing, insulatio...Show More
This paper describes the activities performed by a working group formed with the objective to support and develop mathematical software for the high energy physics experiments of the large hadron collider (LHC). The goal is to share common mathematical libraries between the experiments and the LHC computing grid application area projects. We present the various library components and their design,...Show More
Very little experimental data is available on the effect of a crossing angle in hadron colliders with bunched beams. The electrostatic separators of the CERN SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) used to separate the orbits in its normal operation as a proton-antiproton collider were used to establish a horizontal crossing angle in one of the interaction regions. The authors have studied the effect of th...Show More
Fermilab has embarked upon a program, Fermilab III, to raise the luminosity in the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider over a five-year period by at least a factor of 30 beyond the currently achieved level of 1.6*10/sup 30/ cm/sup -2/ s/sup -1/. Components of the program include implementation of electrostatic separators, antiproton source improvements, installation of cold compressors, doubling t...Show More
The thermal neutron SEU cross-section of the Toshiba SRAM memory used in the LHC RadMon system was measured at different voltages. A method using the difference in its response compared to mixed particle energy field is proposed to be used as a discriminator between thermal neutron and high-energy hadron fluences. For test purposes, the proposed method was used at the CNGS and CERF facilities to e...Show More
Calorimetry at the High Luminosity LHC faces many technical challenges. In the forward direction the levels of radiation and the unprecedented in-time event pileup make detector design and operation particularly difficult. To meet these challenges, the CMS experiment has decided to construct a sampling calorimeter with silicon as the primary active medium. This calorimeter - the High Granularity C...Show More
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN result in vast amounts of data which are interesting for researchers around the world. For transporting the data to 11 data distribution centers, an optical private network (OPN) has been constructed as the result of a collaboration of several academic networks. The multi-domain nature of this collaboration poses new challenges, in particular to ...Show More
High luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project has been launched to attain a ten times higher integrated luminosity than the current LHC that has been in operation for over ten years. For this goal, the quadruple and dipole magnets around two interaction points, the ATLAS and the CMS, will be upgraded. High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) is in charge of devel...Show More
We review 19 measurement systems for the magnetic axis of accelerator magnets, used to align machine components. First, we provide some background information and we describe briefly the instruments and methods used for the magnetic and the geometric measurements. For all systems we give then a performance summary in terms of magnet parameters and measurement uncertainties. The dataset is analyzed...Show More
In preparation for the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) is developing a new generation of large aperture high-field quadrupoles based on Nb3Sn technology. One meter long and 120 mm diameter HQ quadrupoles are currently produced as a step toward the eventual aperture of 150 mm. Tests of the first series of HQ coils revealed the ...Show More
FNAL and CERN are performing an R&D program with the goal of developing a 5.5 m long twin-aperture 11 T Nb3Sn dipole suitable for installation in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). An important part of the program is the development and test of a series of short single-aperture and twin-aperture models with a nominal field of 11 T at the LHC nominal current of 11.85 kA and 20% margin. This paper des...Show More
The paper presents the design and first test results of the high-speed Beam Conditions Monitor (BCM) for the ATLAS Experiment at the Large-Hadron Collider (LHC). The goal of the BCM is to monitor instantaneous rates of collision and background and detect signs of beam instabilities. The detector is based on polycrystalline Chemical-Vapor-Deposition (pCVD) diamond as active sensor material. We have...Show More
In 2013, a long shutdown of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN will allow comprehensive maintenance plus consolidation of the machine components, in particular of the 13 kA circuits that feed the main superconducting magnets around the 27-km ring. This shutdown will prepare the accelerator for operation at nominal energy, 14 TeV, with adequate margin on the critical performance parameters. An essen...Show More
Unlike a typical Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) methodology, this work presents a system level radiation qualification of a complex electronic system prior to component radiation characterization tests. Such a top-down approach reduces the beam time needed for qualification of components by carefully analyzing failure modes observed on the system level and performing only a subset of component...Show More

The ATLAS pixel detector

F. Hugging

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Year: 2006 | Volume: 53, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Papers (3)
The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost layer of the ATLAS tracking system and will contribute significantly to the ATLAS track and vertex reconstruction. The detector consists of identical modules, arranged in three barrel layers concentric with the beam line and centered on the interaction point and three disks on either side for the forward region. The position of the Pixel Detector near the ...Show More

The ATLAS pixel detector

F. Hugging

Year: 2006 | Volume: 53, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
The electrical quality assurance (ELQA) of the superconducting circuits of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during its second Long Shutdown (LS2) requires the execution of vast measurement campaigns. Each of 1658 electrical circuits as well as the instrumentation of each of the 1746 individual cryo-assemblies housing magnets, bus-bars and other components of the superconducting circuits, has to ...Show More
For the LHC upgrade projects, CERN will rely on the Nb3Sn technology to build high field dipole and quadrupole superconducting magnets. In the frame of this R&D program, cooling studies are carried out to determine the heat extraction from this new type of accelerator magnets and the relevant quench limits. In this paper, we present and discuss experimental results of heat transfer through the ele...Show More
The LHC will be composed of 1232 horizontally curved, 15 meter long, cryodipoles and 474 short straight sections, being assembled by different manufacturers. Magnetic axis alignment is an essential part of the magnets quality for two reasons: first, to be able to install correctly the magnets in the tunnel w.r.t. the reference beam orbit; secondly, to assess the relative alignment between the magn...Show More
The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is the largest high-energy particle accelerator in the world. Proton beams are currently collided at an energy of 4 TeV per beam to investigate the fundamental elements of matter. The collider is equipped with a collimation system to ensure that potentially destructive halo particles are absorbed before they hit vulnerable elements. Beam-based alignment of the col...Show More
This paper describes the design and operation of the "Polarity Checker", a scanning probe designed to check multipole field order, type and polarity of superconducting LHC magnets. First we introduce the measurement method, based on the harmonic analysis of the radial field component picked up by a rotating Hall sensor at different current levels. Then we describe the hardware and the software of ...Show More
An improved version of the CERN DC-current Calibrator (CDC) is presented. The CDC is a programmable, high precision, high resolution, +/- 10 A DC current source, initially developed for the calibration and testing of Direct-Current Current Transformers (DCCTs) used in the powering of superconducting magnets in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The upgrade addresses the stricter stability and low-...Show More
An improved 10 V / 10 mA standard is presented, which is part of the test infrastructure for direct current current transformers (DCCTs) for the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project at CERN. It serves primarily as a reference source for the 10 A CERN DC-current calibrator, but also as a 10 V source with extremely low noise at sub-Hz frequencies. Improvements were made in the inte...Show More
This paper contains a summary of the results of the magnetic and mechanical alignment tests performed at CERN on the first 111 arc Short Straight Sections. These include the mechanical axis of the Cold Bore Tube at room temperature, the magnetic axis of main quadrupoles and correctors at both room and cryogenic temperature, and the field direction of the main quadrupoles. The measurements show tha...Show More
This paper intends to briefly overview the new technological updates on the large hadron collider (LHC) A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS) acquisition system of the Pixel Detector. The herein presented Read-Out Driver (ROD) is a Versa Module Europa (VME) board devoted to data processing, configuration, and control. It is designed to provide data formatting, front-end specific error handling, and cal...Show More