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Pierre Schnizer - IEEE Xplore Author Profile

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Low emittance machines require lattices with many magnets of short length. Furthermore, successful lattices require strong gradients with strong dipole fields. These lattices are popular today, as MAX IV has demonstrated that a diffraction limited synchrotron light source can be based on such a lattice. This paper gives an overview of the various magnets used by the various diffraction limited lig...Show More
In the 1990s, for Nuclotron, the pioneer accelerator using fast ramped superconducting magnets, a novel cable with superconducting strands wrapped around a cooling tube was developed. Such cable fabrication technology was advanced and adopted for the SIS100 or NICA project. In parallel with major application for fast ramped superferric magnets, application for high field magnets with a cosine-thet...Show More
CERN has recently designed and constructed a new cryogenic facility for testing large and heavy superconducting magnets at liquid helium temperatures. The facility, erected in a large assembly hall with cranes capable of up to 100 t, provides a cooling capacity of 1.2 kW at 4.5 K equivalent, 15-kW LN2 cooling and warming capabilities for up to three magnets in parallel. The facility provides the r...Show More
SIS100, i.e., the core component of the FAIR project, is now heading into the realization phase. While the First of Series SIS100 dipole has already been produced and tested, the main quadrupole magnets are now being designed with the first magnets being built. For these magnets, we report on the first experience of production technology adjustment concentrated on field quality optimization. Along...Show More
The heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 is the main accelerator of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research project, which is located in Darmstadt, Germany. Within the four families of superconducting quadrupole doublet modules (QDMs), the development of the injection and extraction modules is the most demanding due to the complex configuration and the stringent position-stability requirements to be ...Show More
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is currently being constructed at GSI Darmstadt. Around 500 superconducting magnets are being procured for the heavy ion synchrotron SIS100, and around 180 are being procured for the Super Fragment Separator (Super-FRS). All these magnets have to be tested at cryogenic temperature in order to verify and guarantee their performances before they ar...Show More
The SIS100 synchrotron for heavy ion research is based on fast-ramped superconducting magnets. These superferric magnets are being designed, built, and tested. The first 3-m-long series dipole (maximum field of 1.9 T; ramp rate of 4 T/s) has been built. We present the test results obtained (quench training, magnetic field, ac loss, and repetition rate) and compare them with the predicted values an...Show More
Testing the different superconducting magnets for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research requires testing capabilities beyond the necessities of dc superconducting magnets: stable power converters with fast cycles, capabilities for measuring the loss, and abilities to measure the field on the ramp for the magnets of the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS100. On the other hand, the Super Fragment Sepa...Show More
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research is now fast approaching its realization phase. Roughly 800 superconducting magnets are required for the SIS100 and the Super-FRS machines. Given their long lead time of procurement for this large number of items, the SIS100 dipoles series is already ordered with the quadrupole modules following swiftly. The Super-FRS dipole and multiplets are being tend...Show More
The Facility for Ion and Antiproton Reseach is now procuring the first series of magnets with the other series on the tendering process. The superconducting magnets will be tested at GSI or partner institutes. The fast ramped synchrotron SIS100 uses superferric dipoles with a beam aperture of 115 mm · 60 mm and a maximum field of 1.9 T at ≈ 13 kA with a ramp rate of 4 T/s and a continuous cycle fr...Show More
For the FAIR project's SIS100 synchrotron, a series of 113 fast ramped dipoles will be built. This contribution reports about the manufacturing process of the “First Of Series” (FOS) dipole. Special attention is given to the progress achieved during the technological optimization phase for appropriate implementation of a new magnet design taking into account the experience obtained with prototypes...Show More
GSI plans to build a test string in the Series Test Facility (STF) for SIS100 at GSI. The SIS100 cryomagnetic modules and local cryocomponents will be assembled and intensively tested. The purpose of the string test is to confirm technical systems of cryogenic, vacuum, interlock and quench protection, and powering under normal and extreme conditions. Acquirement of knowledge through experiences in...Show More
The upcoming machines, the SIS100 accelerator and the NICA booster and collider are a direct offspring of the successful NUCLOTRON magnet concept. SIS100 is now being realized with the dipoles ordered. NICA is in its R&D stage with the first prototype magnets built. The experience gained in the GSI-JINR collaboration dedicated to improving the magnets during the last decade of R&D led now to the c...Show More
SIS100, the core machine of the FAIR project, is being realized now, with the dipole series already ordered. This machine uses fast ramped superconducting dipole magnets (4 T/s, 1 Hz operation cycle), which were optimized to reduce the ac loss and to provide adequate end fields. We present the actual status of the design optimization for the superconducting main magnets as well as of the corrector...Show More
SIS100 is the world's second fast ramped synchrotron using superconducting magnets. The foreseen high current operation requires a sound understanding of the field homogeneity next to a field parametrization which allows investigating if the existing inhomogeneity introduces transverse oscillations on the particle beam. The SIS100 dipole magnets are curved so local toroidal multipoles were develop...Show More
The SIS 100 will be the world's second fast ramped synchrotron for heavy ion research using superconducting magnets. We summarize the experimental results obtained on two full size model magnets and present the design choices made for the SIS100 dipole. The main design components of the magnet are outlined. Special attention is given to an optimal adjustment of the following topics crucial for rel...Show More
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) and the Nucleon-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) will use fast ramped superconducting magnets with a curvature of 55 m and 15 m respectively. Compared to normal conducting machines with equivalent field strength, the field quality of superconducting magnets is very sensitive to the real geometric details due to its much smaller yoke size. Furth...Show More
The SIS 100 synchrotron is based on Nuclotron type superconducting magnets. These are operated with 4 T/s up to a maximum field of 2 Tesla (dipoles). Based on the experience of the R&D period three full scale dipoles as well as one quadrupole were built. The first dipole was tested intensively this year. We present the operation performance of the first magnet next to the AC losses and apply a con...Show More
The conceptual design of the magnetic system of the SIS100 synchrotron was described in the Technical Design Report of the FAIR project. The accelerator superconducting magnetic system consists of different types of modules containing the main dipole and quadrupole magnets, different corrector magnets and special units like beam position monitors, particle catchers and others. The first set of ful...Show More
The SIS100 synchrotron utilizes fast ramped superconducting magnets operated with a frequency of 1 Hz. The beam pipe is of elliptic aperture and the dipole magnets are curved. Therefore, elliptic and toroidal multipoles were developed which allow describing the field concisely within the whole aperture. A mole (i.e., a measurement system based on a rotating coil probe with all auxiliary components...Show More
The 100 Tm synchrotron SIS 100 is the core component of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). An intensive R&D allowed reducing the AC losses considerably as well as improving the field quality. High priority was also given to the investigation of the mechanical stability of the superconducting coil to guarantee a long term life time of at least 20 years with more than 2middot108 ope...Show More
The 100 Tm heavy ion synchrotron SIS 100 is the core component of the Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Prototype magnets were built last year with the first full scale dipole magnet completed and tested. Thorough R&D resulted in FEM models which allow calculating the magnetic field of the magnet during static and dynamic mode. We illustrate the R&D steps required for the FEM calcula...Show More
For testing rapidly-cycled superconducting magnets in the framework of the FAIR project (Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research) a test facility was set up at GSI to test model and prototype superconducting magnets for different machines (SIS100, SIS300, Super-FRS). We are able to perform the following magnet tests: quench training, magnetic measurements, measurements of AC losses (calorimetric...Show More
The facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR) at Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung (GSI) will build two superconducting synchrotrons requiring fields of up to up to 2 T at 4 T/s (SIS 100) and 6 Tesla at 1 T/s (SIS 300). The magnets of these rings will be measured using a mole which is currently under development. The main component of the field must be measured with a precision of 250 pp...Show More
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will build a set of accelerators and storage rings at the Gesellschaft fur Schwerionforschung (GSI). Nearly all of them transport beams of elliptical shape (SIS 100, CR, NESR, RESR, SuperFRS). Magnetic field calculations as well as magnetic measurements provide precise field information, which is used to improve the properties of the machines usi...Show More