IEEE Xplore Search Results

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Semantic learning in autonomously active recurrent neural networks


Logic Journal of the IGPL
Year: 2010 | Volume: 18, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |
Cited by: Patents (2)
The human brain is autonomously active, being characterized by a self-sustained neural activity which would be present even in the absence of external sensory stimuli. Here we study the interrelation between the self-sustained activity in autonomously active recurrent neural nets and external sensory stimuli.There is no a priori semantical relation between the influx of external stimuli and the pa...Show More

Semantic learning in autonomously active recurrent neural networks


Year: 2010 | Volume: 18, Issue: 5 | Journal Article |

Rapid binary star evolution for N-body simulations and population synthesis


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 1997 | Volume: 291, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
We present an algorithm for the rapid evolution of binary stars. It is based on simple fitting formulae for the evolution of single stars. Mass loss, mass transfer and common-envelope evolution are followed with the changes to both the mass donor and the accretor where applicable. We describe a procedure for integrating our formulae and give examples of how we can follow the evolution of Algols an...Show More

Rapid binary star evolution for N-body simulations and population synthesis


Year: 1997 | Volume: 291, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |

Experimental observation of stick-slip instability fronts


Geophysical Journal International
Year: 2010 | Volume: 180, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
Stick-slip dynamic instability is a key mechanism governing frictional processes from microscale physics to earthquake faults and landslides; yet challenging questions are still open about its nucleation and propagation dynamics. Here we present novel observations on laboratory experimental faults where spontaneously nucleating fractures are produced, describing (1) an initial quasistatic, stable ...Show More

Experimental observation of stick-slip instability fronts


Year: 2010 | Volume: 180, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
The dynamic coalescence of two mode II cracks on a planar fault is simulated here using the elastodynamic boundary integral equation method. We focus on the complexity of the resultant slip rate and seismic radiation in the crack coalescence model (CCM) and on the reconstruction of a single crack model (SCM) that can reproduce the CCM waveforms from heterogeneous source parameters rather than coal...Show More
We developed a code for dynamic rupture propagation on arbitrarily shaped faults embedded in half-space using boundary integral equation method (BIEM). It is based on an existing code for the full-space case, in which virtual free surface elements were introduced. Computations in half-space are definitely necessary for the modelling of shallow dipping fault ruptures. First, we describe the impleme...Show More
This paper presents a series of evaluation indexes for intelligent particle swarm optimization based on the basal evaluation index system in the field of intelligent optimization. A kind of evaluation model used to evaluate synthetically the general optimization performance and population dynamics of particle swarm optimization is proposed. This evaluation model is simulated and validated by funct...Show More
We investigate the orbital dynamics of hierarchical three-body systems containing a double neutron star system orbiting around a massive black hole. These systems show complex dynamical behaviour because of relativistic coupling between orbits of the neutron stars in the double neutron star system and the orbit of the double neutron star system around the black hole. The orbital motion of the neut...Show More
This paper is related to the inverse-dynamic modeling of mobile multibody systems articulated with joints and wheels. An easily-implementable algorithm, which is based on Newton-Euler (NE) recursive dynamics, is proposed. From imposed joint and/or actuated-wheel motions, the algorithm performs fast calculations of the control torques, as well as the overall rigid motions involved in locomotion tas...Show More

MOND laws of galactic dynamics

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2014 | Volume: 437, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) predicts a number of laws that galactic systems should obey irrespective of their complicated, haphazard and mostly unknowable histories – as Kepler's laws are obeyed by planetary systems. The main purpose of this work is to show how, and to what extent, these MOND laws follow from only the paradigm's basic tenets: departure from standard dynamics at acceleration...Show More

MOND laws of galactic dynamics

Year: 2014 | Volume: 437, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

How does a low-mass cut-off in the stellar IMF affect the evolution of young star clusters?


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2014 | Volume: 445, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
We investigate how different stellar initial mass functions (IMFs) can affect the mass-loss and survival of star clusters. We find that IMFs with radically different low-mass cut-offs (between 0.1 and 2 M⊙) do not change cluster destruction time-scales as much as might be expected. Unsurprisingly, we find that clusters with more high-mass stars lose relatively more mass through stellar evolution, ...Show More

How does a low-mass cut-off in the stellar IMF affect the evolution of young star clusters?


Year: 2014 | Volume: 445, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
The software QBlade under General Public License is used for analysis and design of wind turbines. QBlade uses the Blade Element Momentum (BEM) method for the simulation of wind turbines and it is integrated with the XFOIL airfoil design and analysis. It is possible to predict wind turbine performance with it. Nowadays, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used for optimization and design of turb...Show More
Many fishes use undulatory fin to propel themselves through the underwater environment. These locomotor mechanisms have a popular interest to many researchers. In the present study, we perform a three-dimensional unsteady computation of an undulatory mechanical fin that is driven by shape memory alloy (SMA). The objective of the computation is to investigate the fluid dynamics of force production ...Show More
Rapid dynamical pattern recognition based on the deterministic learning method (DLM-based RDPR) aims to rapidly recognize the most similar dynamical pattern pair from perspectives of differences in inherent system dynamics. The basic mechanism is to use available recognition errors to reflect the differences in the dynamics of dynamical pattern pairs and then to make a decision based on a minimal ...Show More
In the construction of multimass King-Michie models of globular clusters, an approximated central energy equipartition between stars of different mass is usually imposed by scaling the velocity parameter of each mass class inversely with the stellar mass, as if the distribution function were isothermal. In this paper, this ‘isothermal approximation’ has been checked and its consequences on the mod...Show More

The binary companion mass ratio distribution: an imprint of the star formation process?


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2013 | Volume: 432, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
We explore the effects of dynamical evolution in dense clusters on the companion mass ratio distribution (CMRD) of binary stars. Binary systems are destroyed by interactions with other stars in the cluster, lowering the total binary fraction and significantly altering the initial semimajor axis distribution. However, the shape of the CMRD is unaffected by dynamics; an equal number of systems with ...Show More

The binary companion mass ratio distribution: an imprint of the star formation process?


Year: 2013 | Volume: 432, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

Partial averaging near a resonance in planetary dynamics

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2000 | Volume: 316, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
An analytical treatment of the evolutionary dynamics of a three-body planetary system subject to dynamical friction with an interplanetary medium is presented. The analysis presented here is in connection with the results of numerical integrations of such systems recently published by Haghighipour. Using the method of partial averaging near a resonance, the dynamics of a restricted, circular, plan...Show More

Partial averaging near a resonance in planetary dynamics

Year: 2000 | Volume: 316, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
We study the circumstances under which first collisions occur in young and dense star clusters. The initial conditions for our direct N-body simulations are chosen such that the clusters experience core collapse within a few million years, before the most massive stars have left the main sequence. It turns out that the first collision is typically driven by the most massive stars in the cluster. U...Show More

Mass evaporation rate of globular clusters in a strong tidal field


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2017 | Volume: 470, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
The mass evaporation rate of globular clusters evolving in a strong Galactic tidal field is derived through the analysis of large, multimass N-body simulations. For comparison, we also study the same evaporation rates using MOCCA Monte Carlo models for globular cluster evolution. Our results show that the mass evaporation rate is a dynamical value, that is, far from a constant single number found ...Show More

Mass evaporation rate of globular clusters in a strong tidal field


Year: 2017 | Volume: 470, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |

Dynamical friction of bodies orbiting in a gaseous sphere


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2001 | Volume: 322, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |
The dynamical friction experienced by a body moving in a gaseous medium is different from the friction in the case of a collisionless stellar system. Here we consider the orbital evolution of a gravitational perturber inside a gaseous sphere using three-dimensional simulations, ignoring however self-gravity. The results are analysed in terms of a ‘local’ formula with the associated Coulomb logarit...Show More

Dynamical friction of bodies orbiting in a gaseous sphere


Year: 2001 | Volume: 322, Issue: 1 | Journal Article |

Radial-orbit instability in modified Newtonian dynamics


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2011 | Volume: 414, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |
The stability of radially anisotropic spherical stellar systems in modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is explored by means of numerical simulations performed with the N-body code N-MODY. We find that Osipkov–Merritt MOND models require for stability larger minimum anisotropy radii than equivalent Newtonian systems (ENSs) with the dark matter, and also than purely baryonic Newtonian models with the...Show More

Radial-orbit instability in modified Newtonian dynamics


Year: 2011 | Volume: 414, Issue: 4 | Journal Article |

The star formation law in a multifractal ISM

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 2007 | Volume: 382, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |
The surface density of the star formation rate in different galaxies, as well as in different parts of a single galaxy, scales non-linearly with the surface density of the total gas. This observationally established relation is known as the Kennicutt–Schmidt star formation law. The slope of the star formation law has been shown to change with the density of the gas against which the star formation...Show More

The star formation law in a multifractal ISM

Year: 2007 | Volume: 382, Issue: 3 | Journal Article |

Distribution functions for clusters of galaxies from N-body simulations


Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Year: 1997 | Volume: 286, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
We present the results of an attempt to adapt the distribution function formalism to characterize large-scale structures like clusters of galaxies that form in a cosmological N-body simulation. While galaxy clusters are systems that are not strictly in equilibrium, we show that their evolution can nevertheless be studied using a physically motivated extension of the language of equilibrium stellar...Show More

Distribution functions for clusters of galaxies from N-body simulations


Year: 1997 | Volume: 286, Issue: 2 | Journal Article |
The process of fault propagation and study the dynamic behavior in complex dynamical network is modelled in this paper. A fault resistance factor and a weight factor of repair probability are defined to denote the heterogeneity of nodes. The effects of the key model parameters on the fault propagation dynamics are studied by numerical simulations with reference to the number of failed nodes, the f...Show More
In this article, a general method for dynamics modeling of a humanoid robot which interacts with its environment is presented. This general method is based on developing equations assuming no interaction with its environment. Then, consistent constraints in different phases of motion are taken into account. In this method, each holonomic interaction constraint is considered as an unknown force/ mo...Show More
This paper studies the consensus problem of multi-agent systems in directed interaction topologies with quantized communication. For the case where the agent dynamics is assumed to be general linear system and each agent has access to the local output information, the observer-based protocols with quantized information are adopted; both the full output quantization fashion and the partial output q...Show More

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