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IEEE Xplore Search Results

Showing 1-25 of 160,435 resultsfor


This paper proposes a new approach, namely, the delay partitioning approach, to solving the problems of stability analysis and stabilization for continuous time-delay Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. Based on the idea of delay fractioning, a new method is proposed for the delay-dependent stability analysis of fuzzy time-delay systems. Due to the instrumental idea of delay partitioning, the proposed st...Show More
The adaptive fuzzy control problem is considered for a class of uncertain SISO nonlinear time-varying delay systems in a Brunovsky form. The upper bound of the unknown time-varying delay term is assumed to be in the form of nonlinear functions with unknown coefficients. An adaptive fuzzy controller is designed by utilizing the integral-type Lyapunov function and constructing a continuous function....Show More
This note proposes a cascade observer for a class of nonlinear systems with global Lipschitz nonlinearities in the presence of delayed output measurements. The head of the cascade is a high gain observer while the remaining systems are state predictors providing an estimate of the actual state. The key feature of the proposed observer is the introduction of a matrix design parameter that allows to...Show More
This paper considers truncated predictor feedback (TPF) stabilization of periodic linear systems with time-varying input delays with its applications to the elliptical spacecraft rendezvous. By carefully investigating the solutions and properties to a class of parametric Lyapunov differential equations, it is proved that TPF controllers can stabilize the periodic linear time-delay systems with arb...Show More
A class of impulsive control systems with time-varying delays is considered. By establishing an impulsive delay differential inequality, we analyze the global exponential stability of the impulsive delay systems and estimate the exponential convergence rate. On the basis of the analysis, a design procedure of impulsive controller is presented. The designed impulsive controller not only can globall...Show More
In literature [1], Ahmed JABALLI et al. used the JSH transformation to provide necessary and sufficient conditions to analyze stability of linear discrete-time delay system with a single delay, but their proof process is very complex. In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions obtained in [1] are extended to the case of linear discrete-time delay system with multiple delays, and the proof ...Show More
This paper is concerned with the robust stabilization and controller design for uncertain systems with interval time-varying input delay. The uncertainties of the system is unknown time-varying but norm-bounded, the input delay varies in an interval. A robust stabilizing condition and the controller design method can be constructed easily by solving a LMI. The auxiliary variables and generalized s...Show More
This work deals with linear continuous-time systems with delays, in the general case of time-varying matrices. We first consider the special case of positive systems of such class, introducing two different conditions of delay-independent global exponential stability formulated by means of linear inequalities. Moreover, guaranteed bounds on the exponential convergence rate are given as a function ...Show More
The descriptor integral-inequality method is a new method to deal with the delay-dependent stabilization problem for singular linear continuous-time systems with time-varying state and input delays. Delay dependent stabilization conditions are established by using the Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional approach combined with an descriptor integral-inequality. An LMI based algorithm to design a memoryl...Show More
This paper considers output regulation of linear time-varying delay systems. By introducing the integral inequality and reciprocal convex combination approach to constructed an augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, a new delay-dependent stability criteria is presented based on strict linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The solvabiltiy problem of the output regulation equation with time-varying ...Show More
This paper is concerned with the problems of stability analysis and stabilization for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with time-varying state delay. By constructing a new fuzzy Lyapunov function and by making use of novel techniques, an improved delay-dependent stability condition is obtained, which is dependent on the lower and upper delay bounds. The merit of the proposed stability con...Show More
This paper deals with the problem of the asymptotical stability for a class of linear systems with multiple time-delays. Using Lyapunov-Razumikhin theorem and the concept of matrix norm, the sufficient conditions of delay-independent stability and delay-dependent stability are derived to ensure that the linear systems with multiple time-delays are asymptotically stable. By comparing with the prese...Show More
In this paper, a partially known nonlinear dynamic system with time-varying delays of the input and state is approximated by fuzzy-based linear subsystems described by a state-space model with average delay. To shape the response of the closed-loop system, a set of fuzzy reference models is established. Similarly, the same fuzzy sets of the system rule are employed to design a fuzzy neural-based c...Show More
In this paper, we consider discrete delay systems and obtain conditions for global uniform exponential stability. Our approach is based on the use of the Razumikhin technique and the Lyapunov function method. In the second part of the paper, we use our stability results to derive exponential synchronization criteria for discrete dynamical networks with coupling time delays. We explicitly consider ...Show More
In this paper we give a delay dependent stability criterion for stochastic delay systems with polynomial nonlinearity. An important benefit of this result is that when an invariant set of the system is available, we can incorporate this information to reduce the conservativeness. The resulting condition is given in terms of a semi-algebraic problem which is known to be efficiently solvable via sum...Show More
This paper deals with the problem of positive observation for linear time-delay systems for which the states take nonnegative values whenever the initial conditions are nonnegative. We focus on the design of positive observers (possibly with time-delay) which guarantee nonnegative estimates of the current states. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive observe...Show More
Time delay exists in the actual control system and presents some difficulties in processing of transfer function for process control. Approximation for time delay is commonly used in control system. This paper analyses the effects of different approximation including Taylor, Pade and all-pole approximation for different orders closed loop system. Second order Pade approximation can fit the time de...Show More
This paper studies the design problem of robust H∞ filter for neutral stochastic uncertain delay systems. Aiming at neutral stochastic delay systems with polytopic uncertainty, we deduce sufficient conditions of the existence of H∞ filter, and express them into a form of the linear matrix inequality (LMI), then utilize schur complement lemma transformed them into LMIs which can be solved. At last ...Show More
This paper proposes to utilize intentional time delays as part of controllers to improve the damping of electromechanical oscillations of power systems. Through stability theory, the control parameter settings for which these delays in Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) improve the small signal stability of a power system are systematically identified, including the key parameter settings for which s...Show More
This article introduces novel results on linear coupled differential-difference systems with multiple time-varying delays. First, necessary and sufficient conditions for the positivity and delay-independent asymptotic stability of such systems are introduced. Then, exploiting the internally positive representation technique, we show how such stability results can be systematically exported to non-...Show More
This paper investigates the stability of a class of nonlinear time-delay systems, and proposes a number of new results. Firstly, an equivalent time-delay Hamiltonian system is obtained for this class of systems by means of the generalized Hamiltonian realization (GHR). Then, based on the equivalent form, several sufficient conditions in term of matrix inequalities are derived for the stability ana...Show More
In this paper, a new predictive approach is proposed for the impedance control of bilateral drive-by-wire teleoperation systems. The proposed control structure includes two mirror predictors/observers in both the master and slave sides. These predictors/observers are used to simultaneously estimate the master and slave internal dynamics, and thereby to avoid the use of the delayed transmitted info...Show More
In this paper, we studied fault detection filter design problem for a class of linear networked control systems with communication delays. The communication delays can be modeled as a random Markov jump process with a finite number of states. We demonstrated that a fault detection observer can be developed to detect the fault occurrence for the system, and a LMI-based fault detection algorithm for...Show More
In this paper, the stability problem of continuous linear systems with multiple time delays is investigated. An augmented Lyapunov functional is introduced to establish improved delay-dependent stability criteria. It is shown that some recently published results are the special cases considered here. Then the proposed criterion is extended to the single delay case. An illustrative example is given...Show More
This paper is concerned with stabilization of (time-varying) linear systems with a single time-varying input delay by using the predictor based delay compensation approach. Differently from the traditional predictor feedback which uses the open-loop system dynamics to predict the future state and will result in an infinite dimensional controller, we propose in this paper a pseudo-predictor feedbac...Show More

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