I. Introduction
Internet of Things (IoT) generally refers to the devices connected through the Internet and have communication and computational abilities to generate and exchange data among applications. These IoT devices are heterogeneous [1] and interconnected, and, therefore, can be integrated and implemented in various sectors, such as smart healthcare [2], smart transportation [3], smart industry [4], etc. For instance, in smart transportation, several traffic sensors are installed and connected wirelessly to control and monitor the traffic. CISCO [5] has predicted that data generated by IoT devices can be increased exponentially up to 49 Exabytes by 2021. With the rapid growth of IoT users and devices, the high demand for spectrum availability is inevitable. Conversely, spectrum resources are limited and precious as natural resources. Moreover, if no action is taken to utilize the wireless spectrum wisely, the spectrum scarcity problem [6] will be a global issue.