I. Introduction
Traffic management taken by the officials is done by ob-serving traffic flow on a particular road. Then according to the observations, the officials determine whether to put traffic police over there or not or whether to put traffic lights or not.But since there are traffic lights the problem of traffic occurs a lot which can be seen from various cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, New York, Bangkok, London etc. This cities face heavy traffic and even traffic lights are not beneficial. Nonetheless, it is a part of life in and between urban areas all throughout the world. In one of the world's most populous and rapidly expanding urban areas, rising traffic congestion is inescapable. Hence the management needs to be automised and make the routes faster through the techniques available in machine learning and deep learning. The prediction of the congestion needs to be reported and user needs to be alerted. This method would also be beneficial to ambulances and people in emergencies, so that they can reach the hospitals and the destinations really quickly with the help of the solution to this problem statement.