I. Introduction
In the world we live today, technology has taken huge strides in all dimensions. The communication and networking domain too has seen unprecedented growth. At the same time, the number of mobile users and demand of network connectivity is on a constant rise. Many aspects of human life have witnessed extraordinary growth and development because of communication technologies and has boosted society, pol-itics, culture and economy. The number of landline telephone users have reduced a lot today. Almost everyone has begun to use mobile phones that keep us connected to the world and keep us entertained seamlessly. The 1980s witnessed the first-generation service in wireless communication and ever since then, the following (next) generations have only brought advancements in technology in terms of network architecture, mobility, coverage, data, privacy and security, spectral effi-ciencies and many more. The work on 5G technology has been taken up by industrial and academic societies who are constantly trying to incorporate best of the technologies to establish the best network services.[1]