I. Introduction
Optical Fiber distribution of microwave signal is promising for dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) in intelligent transportation systems. Recently, we have successfully demonstrated transmission of down-stream microwave signal through a fiber-radio link employing a highoutput-power photodiode [1]. When a photodiode is used under a high-input-power condition, a concern is that third-order intermodulation distortion (IM3) in the photodiode will limit the performance of the fiber-radio link. In this letter, we report an evaluation of IM3 in two high-speed and high-output-power photodiodes, i.e., a unitraveling-carrier refracting-facet photodiode (UTC-RFPD) [2], and a p-i-n refracting-facet photodiode (pin-RFPD) [3], in the 5.8-GHz band assigned for DSRC systems. In the measurements, three individually modulated laser diodes were used for light sources in order to evaluate IM3 down to very low levels.