I. Introduction
The Laser-Assisted Charge Exchange (LACE) experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) particle accelerator in Oak Ridge National Laboratory aims to overcome long-standing limitations associated with the foil-based charge stripping technique to convert a pulsed beam of H- ions into protons [1],[2]. The intermediate step in the LACE process is the interaction of the particle beam with the high-power laser beam. The laser produces 50 ns pulses of 355 nm UV light at a rate of 10 Hz, with 2 MW peak-power [3]. To convert the beam of H- ions into protons with high efficiency, the laser beam at the laser-particle interaction point (IP) must fulfil stringent stability requirements. To achieve >90% charge-exchange efficiency, the laser beam must be centered on the IP within a range of ±0.5 mm of the design, while the laser-particle crossing angle cannot deviate by more than ±400 μrad.