I. Introduction
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-20 (NOAA-20) satellites were launched in October 2011 and November 2017, respectively [1], [2]. VIIRS has 22 spectral bands, including 14 reflective solar bands (RSBs, M1–M11, and I1–I3), seven thermal emissive bands (TEBs, M12–M16, I4, and I5), and one panchromatic day/night band (DNB). Among the seven TEBs, there are three mid-wave infrared (MWIR; M12, M13, and I4) and four long-wave infrared (LWIR; M14–M16 and I5) bands on VIIRS, with center wavelengths from 3.7 to . NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS TEB sensor data records (SDRs) are used for deriving a variety of environmental and climate data records, such as sea surface temperature, land/ice surface temperature, active fire, and cloud properties. Quality of the VIIRS TEB SDR products and accuracy of their calibration are essential for these applications.