I. Introduction
As The critical sector to achieve the goals of emission peak and carbon neutrality, a series of highly diversified approaches were developed for tradeoff between energy consumption and production demand by improving operation efficiency and reducing carbon emissions in a steel industrial park (SIP) [1]. The industrial integrated energy system (IIES) of SIP generally involves the production, transformation, and consumption of cold, heat, power, gas, etc. [2]. However, the synergistic effect of these multiple energy media (MEM) might be neglected by an online operator when the scheduling plan was formulated due to their complicated coupling property [3]. Facing the foreseeable pressure of carbon emission reduction, those ubiquitous scheduling events (SEs) with respect to demand event (DE), response event (RE), and demand response event (DRE) incurred by multienergy system require real-time optimization solution for supporting the decision-making of online operator, and therefore pose new challenges for event-triggered online scheduling. The abbreviations and their definitions are listed in Table I.