I. Introduction
Terrestrial LiDAR and optical imagery are two different ways to capture information about objects of interest. The combination of these two information sources is useful for further analysis, investigation, measurement, and reconstruction. For example, the popular applications and research hotspots in recent years: merging images and LiDAR to achieve complete and accurate three-dimensional (3D) scene reconstruction, are inseparable from the registration of heterogeneous sensors, and many scholars have already carried out related research in this area [1]–[3]. However, due to the different information obtained by the optical and LiDAR imaging systems, registration of these heterogeneous sensors is a challenging task. In order to combine these different data sources precisely, it is necessary to provide a sufficient number of evenly distributed corresponding feature points. Most of the current registration methods are mainly concerned with geometric constraint registration or gray-level similarity based registration, and can be divided into point-based registration [4]–[6], structural-based registration [7]–[9], and mutual information (MI)-based registration [10]–[12] methods.